Hey gamespot, i finally fought my laziness and went shopping like i wanted to. I went to gamestop and circuit city and this is what i bought.
1st up is Ratchet and Clank up ur Arsenal: I never played a ratchet and clank game before and wanted to so i picked this one up for a decent price.
Next is Prince of Persia the two thrones. Again i have never played a POP game before and it was in at a decent price so i picked it up. Finally since gamestop is having a buy two get one free sale i picked up Killzone. All 3 of these games were ones that i was curious to play but didn't want to shell out the cash for. Now that they are considered last generation they are cheap so i bought them.
I also picked up some DVD's from Circuit city
I have never seen any of the movies above and i know spiderman 2 is very old but i havent seen it. Munich is supposed to be good and it was only ten bucks just like the special edition spiderman. The 007 movie is also 2 disk special edition, just the way i like it.
Thats all folks... later