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The Backlog...

I have about three months off before i head back to college and have not found a job yet so i decided today that  would hack at my backlog just like everyone else. but i know that i will stop once Rainbow six vegas comes out for the ps3 well who knows maybe i won't. so here it is:

Punchout (NES) - Mr. Dream is way too difficult, getting up to him is enough for me

Super Contra (NES) - I beat contra like a couple of months ago but super contra is way harder

Super mario bros (NES) - I get so frustrated

Super mario bros 3 (NES) - i never really tried to sit and beat it, it is a really fun game

Mortal Kombat II (SNES)  - I get stuck at Kintaro

Legend of Zelda minish cap (GBA) - i just never had the time for a huge adventure like zelda

Black, Far cry Instincts, splinter cell pandora tomorrow and chaos theory, and mercenaries (Xbox) - It is now in the basement

GTA III & GTA liberty city stories (ps2) - came close with gta III but never really played liberty city stories

MGS 3 Subsistence (Ps2) - I beat snake eater 3 times but never beat this one, shame on me

Resident evil 4 (ps2) - gonna play it right now

Thats it 15 games out of 84 thats not bad. This is because i am used to buying a game beating it then buying another. I usually dont make large purchases. So thats it, how many games do u guys have in ur backlog? let me know.... Later