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wats up with the weather??

Man the weather is really weird in NYC this year. yesterday it was 70 degrees and a really nice summer like day. today is 69 degrees but a little cooler. The sun is not shining anymore and it will snow 3-6 inches tomorrow. It is just crazy.


Other than that, my laptop still isn't repaired from circuit city. they needed to reinstall the operating system and still arent done. It has been nine days since this all started. I gave the firedog worker a piece of my mind today and he says it will be done tonight or gurantee it will be done by tomorrow morning.

 All i can say is that circuit city is not the place to go to get computer repairs. They're service is not worth it and they charge a crazy amount of money to do the job.

Gaming wise I am playing mgs 3 subsistence. I beat snake eater twice but i just want to complete subsistence. I am also still playng my nes and snes games. been playing alot of super mario bros 3 lately.

         I really need to jump into the next gen but i am waiting for either a ps3 price cut or the new 360 with a bigger hard drive. I am still torn between the two. as for the wii i was really interested in the virtual console but i rather just by the original cartridges anyway. I am really looking forward to see GTA IV and MGS 4. I think i might buy a ps3 for MGS 4. I bought a ps2 just for MGS 2. I don't know i just really enjoy metal gear games. It is my favorite gaming franchise.