wats going on people, the few people tha actually read what i have to write, thats besides the point, thanks anyway though i really appreciate it. a lot of new gaming news. first up was the no so big surprise of the Xbox 360 Elite.
I was actually really excited about it because i don't onwn a 360 and i thought it would seal the deal for me. But considering the price with no price drop of the premium 360 i was dissappointed. It looks really great but now i thing that i would rather save up and get a ps3. i really think that the ps3 has a lot of potential andit will be better, but only time will tell.
Also was the very much anticipated first trailer for GTA IV. I have to say i was very impressed. The setting looks awesome especially since i am from NYC, and the graphics are great. sure there was no gameplay but i mean its gta, how can they scew it up. I am just excited to see how they can utililize the next gen hardware to create a massive city. WIth this and MGS4 coming out soon i am really considering a ps3. If the 360 gets a major price cut than will i consider an xbox again.
I am pretty busy this weekend with an english paper and a reading of Plato for philosophy. I don't think i will get any gaming done at all. I haven't played any game since last weekend. i do have a short easter break coming up so i can finally play something. other than that its all good,