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Where? Up your Arsenal...

wats up gamespot. long time no blog because i had nothing to talk about until today. I beat Ratcet and Clank up your arsenal today. I really love this game. It is the most fun i've had with a platformer in a long time. The last time i remember having this much fun was Super Mario 64. Ratchet and Clank is a great series and i regret not getting into it before. It is just awesome.

so thats another game off of my list for the summer. I beat Super mario (NES), Mgs3 Subsistence (PS2), Resident EVil 4 (PS2), Killzone (PS2)and Ratchet and clank (PS2). thats enough for me since i don't want to play prince of persia right now.

Wat i want to do is reinvigorate my ps3. To do this i want to buy a new game. I'm thinking Rainbow six vegas. I don't know let me know if anyone has played it and how it is. It sounds great but i really didn't like the previous rainbow six games. thats all.
