[QUOTE="The_Gamer81"][QUOTE="Art_424"][QUOTE="TyrantDragon55"][QUOTE="The_Gamer81"] [QUOTE="NitaraPwnzU"]Resistance came out a YEAR later.. The fact it did not get a AAA says volumes about how weak that game and the PS3 support is for games. Sorry your argument is terrible!!Art_424
how is my arguemnt terrible? Resistance is one of the best FPS games out there. have you played it??
Anybody else find it funny that cows call Halo and Gears generic FPSs but then turn around and hype the hell out of games like Resistance?
Correct sir, Cows hype Flopzone2, Haze,like its god sent, and Halo is just generic for them....:lol: (Good luck trying to score a 9.5 on those games)
you are one heck of a fanboy. if you read my post, I said that Halo3 is a great shooter. I never said Halo is bad, tell me where I said that?? KillZone 2 is definitely looking better than Halo 3 though, but of course that doesn't matter if the game does not have good game play.
I did not refer to your comments, I said it in General to cows, you should read the posts theyre writingand youll understand. Killzone might look better than Halo, but it doesnt have the fanbase and history halo has, and to think 9.5 or above for Killzone is really tough to imagine.:P
Sorry I didn't know. you're right about Halo though. It does have more fans that KillZone, but if KillZone could pull it together in game play, I think it will be a huge hit on the PS3 because the game looks stunning to watch.
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