well i think that video games are going to grow and grow as time goes on. rigth now there is 4 systems of gaming that basically advertises to anyone. but imagine in the future that u are going to be traveling down a virtual reality street. bumping in to other friends and basically doing what u want. if u want to buy stuff for ur house then u go to this area of the network. if u want to play video games then u enter this side of the world. You will be wearing virtual reality suit that takes ur whole body into the virtual world. we have caught a glimps of this future with the internet. but imagine what will be in the future 25 years from now. how much technology will be there. think of it like star trek they have hollow decks and futurama they have the online virtual reality world. so we have come across the ideas now we just need to figure how to do them, so the question is not just how but when. so u help deicide.
The_J_Shot Blog
the great things of owning a laptop
by The_J_Shot on Comments
i have just boughten a laptop and i love it. i cant wait untill i get my windows and start be able to play games on it. I have LInux as an OS. it isnt to bad its easy to use but the problem with it is that you cant find games that will run on Linux. so i am looking to get windows 7. which is $200 for the whole program. but if i can find a windows XP or Vista then you can buy the upgrade of windows 7. which is $100. I heard that Vista is a big program(20 GB) and the qulality is not very good. Its is big and clumsy. If i was to get windows vista it was recomended that i upgrade the ram, from 2GB to 4GB. but the the problem with upgrading from XP/Vista to windows 7 is that it will take all day to upgrade the computer. my processor is a dual core. so its not bad. but most imprortantly it will run top video games like WoW or warhammer, heros 5. what else i would like to get into computer engineering i have used the programs like XNA and C++. so i have some background in it so i just have to reteach myself.
deciding what video game system is best for you
by The_J_Shot on Comments
video games are a very good hobby to have. there is different video games for all types of people. and there are many different systems to occupy the mind. if you arent that big into video games. then i recomund playing the wii system. if you love video games and you dont have the money for the pc then go for either the xbox 360, or the playstaion 3. i perfer the playstation. i have all ways been a playstation guy. i have the playstation to be very reliable and good quality. i used to leave my playstation 2 on for weeks at a time and it never burt out. i love the playstation beacuase it has wicked games. but i would perfer the pc for rpg games. to choice form the xbox 360 and the playstation 3, well lets look at the price. they are relitivly the same price. and with the gaming they are starting to make games for xbox and playstation. but the palystation has a little bit more power behind it. but mostly they are both really good chioces. but still the pc out plays tham all. so just decide what level of gamer you are. if you just play it once in a while and you dont have time to get involvoed into bigger games then go for the wii. but if you want better games, more in depth and you have time to play it then go for xbox/playstation. but if you love rpg games and have a lot of time and money then go for the pc. the pc is more powerful then all of the other systems. so you make the choice.
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