well i think that video games are going to grow and grow as time goes on. rigth now there is 4 systems of gaming that basically advertises to anyone. but imagine in the future that u are going to be traveling down a virtual reality street. bumping in to other friends and basically doing what u want. if u want to buy stuff for ur house then u go to this area of the network. if u want to play video games then u enter this side of the world. You will be wearing virtual reality suit that takes ur whole body into the virtual world. we have caught a glimps of this future with the internet. but imagine what will be in the future 25 years from now. how much technology will be there. think of it like star trek they have hollow decks and futurama they have the online virtual reality world. so we have come across the ideas now we just need to figure how to do them, so the question is not just how but when. so u help deicide.
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