@Yarvem God bless you boys for even attempting this. God knows this must be up there with the creation of the dictionary for sheer mind blowing complexity not to mention ungodly time consumption. Having said that, you have asked for suggestions at the bottom so I have some. But please bear in mind these are just that: suggestions. These are not demands from an ardent fanboy. I got through oblivion mainly because Matt Rories's excellent starter guide. This included character archetypes, places to get the most useful gear for each of these types and an explanation of how to get the best out or the skills including where to find the trainers. A game like this isn't just about what to do, it's about how to be the person who can do it. Thank you for your time, feel free to reject this advice, but bear in mind this extra info could well result in a lot more hits for the guide. Yours, The_Jackle
Is this the most expensive Nintendo product ever? More so than the consoles even. Apologies if this has been mentioned in the article but I don't really have the time to read it.
The_Jackle's comments