The_Kills''s Gamespot Rank

Level: 19 (98%)
Rank: Gitaroo Man
Points: 357336

The_Kills's Emblems

  • Way Harsh

    For being tougher than beef jerky and not nearly as nice. You have to wonder why these individuals even bother continuing to play games, because pure venomous hatred practically oozes from their pores when playing just about anything. GameSpot's editors would be proud.

  • Commercial Challenge 2004 / Ballot Puncher

    Your vote really DOES count. These discerning souls exercised their civic duty and rocked the vote in GameSpot's Commercial Challenge 2004. In doing so, they've sifted the commercial wheat from the chaff so that only the best and brightest remain. They've cast their votes for the good of all GameSpot... and they just happened to get entered into a fabulous sweepstakes in the process. What an amazing coincidence!

  • Readers' Choice 2004 Chooser

    People's choice representative. All those who participated in GameSpot's 2004 Readers' Choice Awards will share this emblem, and have their collective decisions immortalized in those scarce few games that they rightfully placed among gaming's greatest.

  • Readers' Choice 2005 Chooser

    Voted in 2005 Readers' Choice Awards.Administered to those who sounded off in GameSpot's 10th-annual Readers' Choice Awards, celebrating the best games of 2005.

  • After Hours: Virtually There

    Nightowl. Awarded for tuning into our live broadcast of GameSpot After Hours on the eve of October 14, 2006. Thanks for joining the party!

  • Virtually There: PlayStation 3 Launch

    Virtually There: PlayStation 3 Launch For tuning in to GameSpot's live broadcast of the PlayStation 3 launch on the eve of November 17, 2006, the day on which the PS3 officially hit store shelves in North America. Did you see the lines for that thing?!

  • I voted

    For casting your vote, here's a brand-new emblem to add to your collection. By exercising your right to vote, you've contributed to the site by letting the whole world know about what GameSpot readers really think. Make your voice heard! Vote early and vote often!

  • Virtually There: E3 2007 GameSpot Show Groupie

    I want to go too! Even though they couldn't get the nice weather in Santa Monica, these viewers caught one day of GameSpot's E3 2007 live stage show and saw some of the best the show had to offer.