That's why we study history. To learn from the past. I had a little revelation a few days ago. When it comes to hardware and business plans, the PSP vs. DS is very similiar to what PS3 vs. Revolution from what we know. PSP is the powerhouse handheld with great graphics but a hefty pricetag. DS is the less expensive option with more innovative games thanks to its novel hardware. PS3 looks like it will have the most raw power next generation with the Revolution lagging for behind but with the obviously innovative hardware. The two cases are extremely similar, so to say that sales-wise, the outcome shouldn't be too different for the two cases. So, it looks like my previous prediction of the Revolution gaining back some of the market its recently lost seems very reasonable. Just some food for thought for you guys.
But anyway, I'm sure you're eager to hear what I'm playing. Panzer Dragoon Orta has officially been added to the list. It's been sitting on my shelf for probably a year and a half now after playing it for about half an hour the day I bought it. And like I'm so bad about doing, I didn't give the game much of a chance. I've been meaning to play it again though since Greg did give it AAA, and I've been settling with PGR1 and Rollercoaster Tycoon 3 lately. And now that I've given it a worthy chance, I'm of course liking it just about as much as Greg said I would. Once again, he's right in the end. Obviously the graphics seem a little outdated now, but the design and variety graphically is impressive. The gameplay takes a little getting used to, especially for a Shoot-'Em-Up novice like me, but its great fun once you get a hang of it. The game is definitely giving me a challenge (Normal difficulty), so I'm happy.
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