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The_Phantom101 Blog

Mercenaries-Great Game

If you think blowing the crap out of everything is fun, then you'll love this game. Its rather fun being about to literally blow any building, vehicle, etc. that you can see. Im probably half way through the game, and so far its been excellent. I like the deck of 52, the Deck of 52 is a deck of cards each card representing someone who is wanted and has a bounty on them. I would give this game 9.6/10 :D Enjoy The Game :)

Star Wars:Kotor 2-Summarized

I have been plating Kotor 2, it was pretty good. It has Nar Shaddaa and for some reason I like that place A lot. I beat the game as A Sith Lord. I started another account a day ago which will be used to become a good character. The game has pretty nice graphics, Decent Sound/ Music. A rather Intresting Storyline. Worst of all though is the game was rushed and the FPS rating takes a dive when your in battle with many opponents.ARGH Darn glitches...Its ok though still fun I would rate this game 8/10.


I'm Bored, but I can't wait untill Christmas because I am gonna get alot of Xbox Games as well as the DVD Playback kit.Can't Wait!!!!!

BTW:Happy Thanksgiving ya'll

Got Halo 2

I finally got Halo 2!, It is a really good game.My Friends and I had a LAN party the other day we all brought our Xbox's and hooked them up :D.The Campaign for the game is pretty good, but it seems kind of short.The graphics though are excelent.I wish they would add downloadable content because they say the Game ends with a cliffhanger.

Fables Completion

After getting the game "Fable" a few weeks ago.I finally beat it, It was quite an impresive game.One of the major funs of it is being able to continue playing even after you beat the Game!.Except if I had played the game alot more I would of probably beaten it in about 10-15 hours.My character is pure good, he is about 56 years old(reduced by Temple Of Avo), and he has maxed out Strenght(Physice,Health,and Toughness) I have Plate Armour, and my Characters nickname is Ranger.