Is it possible to be a troll when you work for the website you seem to be trolling? I get that was disappointed in the game after loving the first game, he has the right to say that, but he also has to listen to the complaints too.
To obvious things I've noticed.
First, many of the low reviews by users are from the PC version. Since I played the game on XBox 360, I can't address PC problems, but maybe the game isn't quite as good on the PC?
Second, McShea complains of never-ending combat, with gun battles lasting 20 minutes or more. The only gun battle lasting anywhere close to that was the final battle, although that may have been just my feeling since I had to restart it five times before finally winning it.
Basically, IMO McShea knows he's a lightning rod and many people are basically falling for his stand-offish attitude. Maybe people should take his reviews with a grain of salt.
@brianit41 @SavoyPrime A Dual-Layer Bl-Ray disc is 50GB, so probably one disc, but the question is how much needs to be installed. If GTAV needs 8GB , I would guess 10 or 15 probably.
@nswalters91 @The_Prisoner Yes, because when I want to play a game, I want to see a ad on cat food. MInd you, ads for video games are okay, but that's it.
I almost think it's a trick. Here they've been planning this for years and NOW after barely a month after this comes out they change their minds. They'll sneak it in after the consoles been out for a while. Also ironic that this is announced after the Navy Times ripped MS a new one.
"an indie-friendly program will exist, though he was not ready to give more details about it."
Basically what they're saying is "We have a plan for this, but we're not telling you right now because we didn't plan on dealing with issue or don't really care."
@Jd1680a BC was in the old Atari 7800 in 1986. It played most 2600 games. So BC was around 14 years before the PS2 had it.
Still, I don't buy the 5% line. I still have tons of Xbox games and most of them have worked on my 360. The only one I own that didn't was Midtown Madness 3.
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