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My 360 is not a Wii! - Campaign

Hey folks,

I was pretty appalled with the fall dashboard update announcement. Not just with the hideous dashboard itself, but Microsoft selling out the gamerpics in favor of the Avatars. The Playslaves out there are calling out a "Home" rip off, but it's clearly a knock off Mii system.

There are those who say "If something's successful, people are going to steal it." Fine. Good for them. But in a business where there's limited tools (3 major systems), how about some **** originality Microsoft? If you're so busy boasting about how you're outselling the other 2 systems in the US, why would you change it?

My 360 is not a Wii, Microsoft. And with that in mind, I've decided to change my gamercard motto to just that. Anyone else who feels the same way, feel free to do the same. Let Microsoft know that isn't the direction it's customers want, leave the kid stuff to the kid systems.

Feel free to message me on Live (GT: Lukeweizer) if you have any other ideas.

Shock, Anger, Sadness

Eidos games are crap anyway. When was the last time they had a good one? Why are they so surprised it got bad reviews? And then to have a legend fired over it? What f*cking joke. Wherever Jeff goes, I'll cancel my all access subscription to gamespot and buy one wherever he goes. Make sure you all give Kane & Lynch a 1.0 for depriving Gamespot of the main reason this site was so good.

You will be missed Jeff. I was a big fan. Good luck with the points. I hope you sue CNET for wrongful dismissal.

Uncomfortable 2 days

Breaking in some new underwear. Pretty uncomfortable. The leg rings are pretty tight. The "gate" is about half way between by belly button and hips. 3 more pairs to go.

HD DVD ready 360?

If they actually release this thing for cheap, I'm going to be pissed. I'm sick of M$ coming out with better models of their system and ripping off the people who already own the system. First the 120g hard drive, then the HDMI ports becoming standard for the premium models and now built in hd dvd drives? Why can't they just get it right the first time instead of making people buy the damn thing 3 times to get what they want.

Why I'm mad at Halo 3

1. Multiplayer setup

I know Halo is renowned for it's multiplayer and I find it fun, don't get me wrong. I just hate the random matches. Why don't they go to the select a match list like the rest of the multiplayer world? I'm sick of random game types and uneven match-ups.

2. Cheaping out (Small Spoiler)

At the beginng of the 8th level when Chief lands in the Flood base, does the background look like a concept sketch to anyone else? I think they did it in another level as well. I thought that was pretty lame.

I also found that they cheaped out on the big sound effects. Things that should've been big and loud, weren't at all. Like in the 7th level when the Ship crashes through the window to confront Truth.

3. Mumbles

I couldn't figure out what the hell was going on half the time because I couldn't understand what the Chief or anyone else was saying half the time.

4. False Advertising

I don't know about you folks, but I was stoked for the last level of this game. Judging by the commercials that had been running for the past month, I figured it was going to be a massive free for all battle. Where is the battle depicted in the commercial model?

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