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The_SlaY3R Blog

Screw Fanboys! They ****

I got to let it out, Fanboys suck, X360 has his up and down so does the PS3 and the Wii no1 has more up-downs than the other1 they are all fair. So please Fanboys stop saying things like "ZOMG" you got a ps3 you rly sux!!!" or say Xbox Live is better than PS3 and Wii. I'm sorry but PS3 is doing pretty well and Wii is starting to get it its because people are afraid of change and don't like that so they try to destroy the others so theirs triumphs. Take me as en exemple I got my PS3 for Blu-Ray and Exclusives PS3 exclusives like Resistance which is pretty good, I play Halo3 on XLive and I got a PC for Cod4,WoW and Rts... I just didn't get a Wii because I thing gaming is about skillz with hands and not swinging around a controller. BUT that doesn't mean it suck because if 1 day I buy a Wii its for his download content like all the old game such Dr.Mario, Zelda, Sonic, etc... But I won't since I got all old console too...

Do you guys remember when we got few consoles... like in the days of

Atari vs Intelvision vs Collicovision

Nintendo(NES & SNES) vs Sega (Master & Genesis)

N64 vs Playstation vs DreamCast

GameCube vs PLaystation 2 vs Xbox

During those days, I think we never took any big bad aspect about their console we only looked at their game librairy. They had their unique librairy and that's what gaming is all about. I don't know why we got a Console war right now infact those days were console war too but it wasn't as big as this one. Look try this little experiment: take a game and Have fun, how cool is that?