Hah what a bunch of idiots. M$: We have this new OS Windows 8 its the greatest thing ever! Everyone: Its sh*t we are staying with Win 7. M$: OK hears Windows 8.1 for you then. M$: Hears the Xbox One its the best console ever! Everyone: Its sh*t we are getting a PS4! M$: OK sh*t we stuffed up AGAIN in the space of one year, we need to change it so hear you go! Dumb-asses.
The markup is nothing nothing new guys. Its actually more reasonable then it has been in the past. Do you know Modern Warfare 2 is still $90 on the Aus steam store?????? THATS a rip off!
Forget the insane amount of violence, sex scenes and coarse language hey. What a joke the people complaining about one little phrase are. Its a commonly used phrase get over it. If you don't like it don't buy it / watch it / listen to it!
The_Third_Place's comments