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PS3 Game News

23 August, 2007


Well warhawk is 5-30 days away because im intheU.k and im wondering if i should get the Blu-Ray disc version or the PSN i would personally want the B-R disc cos its just better free headset (although already have one).

now the game is by miles one of the best games on PS3, it's just so clever that your a soldier going through a forest then you look up and you see a plane just been oblitarated. IF ANYBODY DOES NOT LIKE THIS GAME PLEASE COMMENT!!! (at your own risk)


Now i have UT I on PS2 and i still think its aReal goodgame :p but the new one coming out with a PS3 *debut* in November. looks very good. The graphics look very tastey :p hehe although the weapons look incredibly diffrent to the old UT I ones, because i saw the flack cannon and OH does that look new the bullets go further than the last one. although it has some Flaws i still think this will be a good game....(BETTER HAVE A REEDEMER WEAPON!)


Now i could have put some more games but i think i would leave just two of the best for one day.

till next time DUN DUN DUN DUUUUUN DUN