I can't believe this ... i happen to read a review for Warriors Orochi for PSP and i'm quiet amazed by the tone of the Gamespot reviewer ...
I'm honestly unimpressed by the way the review is written ... it was more of a bias non-fan trying to show his frusttation that he's assign to review this game than a review. I don't mind it given bad ratings but the review itself has to show more meat than just bashing it as "the biggest, most unapologetic fan service crossover since Kingdom Hearts" and then some more ....
The end feel of this review is something more of a frustration with your job than a proper game review. I've read other review of bad games that have more meat in it's explaination of bad controls, bad game system ... proper examples than just some generalize comments. Goodness me. If you can't write something meaningful, pass it on to someone who can ... even a bad rating deserves some proper justification and not a cheap bias.
I'm not saying this because i'm a big fan of Koei's hack and slash Dynasty / Samurai / Orochi series. I admit that the games have not changed much and we're still stuck in a big cycle of things but really, i'm far more able to pin point properly why the game deserve a bad rating when i have to. I love the series but i have more hate to certain things i experience why playing to give it a huge thumbsdown for the right reason ...
Gamers out there, do yourself some justice ... if you see some idiot of a reviewer writing a review that does nothing to properly explain itself for the rating ... do write your own in the player review column. Good game, bad game, they all deserve something meaningful than just rubbing it in the dirt for face value!
I've read reviews from both reviewers and game players to decide on who's really telling the truth and there are good and proper reviews out there that inform people well ... praise these people for the effort!