Well 2010 was an epic year. Especially if your a Microsoft 360 fan. I of course own all the consoles but as many know I prefer the Xbox 360.
I bought a lot of games and hardware this year, more then most years in fact. I totally blew past my budget, but with gaming sometimes you just have to splurge a bit. I got a new Xbox 360s with Kinect, that was my biggest splurge, I finally replaced my launch date Xbox 360. Oddly enough I sold that 360 on Ebay and made $150 off it, so in reality the new Xbox 360s and Kinect only cost me $250, which is a heck of a deal.
I'll start my ratings below for this past year.
1.Mass Effect 2-This was my Game Of The Year pick. It's so unbelievable how well the import system works from the first game, every decision is reflected, large and small ones. I'm surprised other games haven't incorporated this feature. The second Mass Effect is my all time favorite game. I've played through it three times so far and cant get enough of it.
2.Alan Wake-This game I only picked up a few days ago, I bought Red Dead Redemption on release date instead of this game, but I always planned on buying it, then I kept seeing how well the game was received by critics and it won Time Magazines Game Of The Year honors so I went and picked up a new copy. I told the lady at Gamestop I wanted to buy it new to support the developer on this one. It cost $29.99 and came with free DLC. I haven't put the game down and this game is the most unique, interesting and creepy games I've ever played. A Must have for any true gamer
3.Super Mario Galaxy 2-This was such a great game, a vast improvement on the first game, which is saying something because that game was so well done. They fixed a lot of the little problems with the latest Mario title. It's safe to say as long as Nintendo keeps putting out quality games like this they will always be new generations of gamers.
4.Halo Reach-I am a huge Halo fan, I cannot stress how bad I am at the games online though. That being said, I still love to slap on the helmet and go head to head with the millions of other Halo fans. Reach offered something new and it has become my favorite Halo game in the series. It's so well done, beautifully done in all aspects.
5.Fable 3-I'm an avid RPG fan, so when Fable 3 was coming out I knew I had to get it. For some people it's a hit or miss game, but for me it was a total hit. The combat is simplified and easier to manage, the game had some of the best music and voice acting ever. The story was epic and longer then previous Fable games. With the ability to play through the Moral side or the non Moral side this game has plenty of replay value as well. Also the online Co-Op was fixed from Fable 2.
6.Call Of Duty Black Ops-Call Of Duty 4 was one of my all time favorite games, I though World At War was pretty good too, but Modern Warfare 2 was just awful in many aspects and I was really hoping for redemption in Black Ops, I was so happy when I went online with it and there just isn't any camping. Killstreaks don't add to higher killstreaks and there is far less BS overall in this game. Treyarch has made a believer out of me...Plus Zombies!
7.God Of War 3- This game might have been rated higher by me had it offered a longer campaign, better story or online modes. It is fantastic to look at but to be honest doesn't offer any replay value or anything like that. I actually don't even own the game, I just got it off Gamefly, beat it in about five and a half hours and sent it back
8.Splinter Cell Conviction-I was so happy with how this Splinter Cell game turned out, it was like a reboot but wasn't. I enjoyed the story and how the new controls worked. The online modes are improved and offer new aspects. Hope they make a sequel in this style.
9.Metro 2033-This game is a game I didn't even realize was coming out, I read about it in Game Informer and thought it looked interesting. It's a new IP that offers really interesting offline and online options. Too bad not many people picked up and played this interesting FPS.
10.Crackdown 2-I know, I know it's a fanboy pick. I just love the online aspects of this game. Yes it's a lot like Crackdown 1, but who says that's a bad thing? The multiplayer is unmatched in my opinion and the co-op is simple and fun enough to complete a few times over.
Honorable mentions-
1.Red Dead Redemption-This was a solid game, but it's basically GTA on horses
2.Heavy Rain-This was an odd "game" I don't really classify it as a game though, more like a movie with QTE
3.Dance Central-This game is huge with the ladies, get Kinect and this game and bring on the ladies, they love it.
4.Donkey Kong Country Returns-This should have actually made my list, wonderful throwback to the old school
5.Epic Mickey-This game was amazing, dark and wonderfully done. Wii actually had better exclusives then PS3 in 2010.
Biggest Letdowns of 2010-
1.MAG-Massive action game my butt! They made us pay $64 for a game with no offline mode, yet they didn't think to give us a headset included with the game? The game already looks like a PS2 game, but then to not include a way to communicate with other players sealed it's fate. 256 players and nobody talks and everyone thinks they are RAMBO.
2.Mod Nation Racers-Nice attempt at a Nintendo Kart racing game, too bad nobody bought it and the controls were horrid.
3.Ninety Nine Nights 2-I loved the first game, this second one seemed clunky and repetitive to me. I expected better.
4.Metroid Other M-Such a letdown, it's just weird and not at all what you'd expect from Team Ninja and Nintendo.
There were a ton of other games I could have listed Assassins Creed Brotherhood for example but I didn't get a real chance to play that yet. I know many wont agree with me, but this is my opinion and I'm entitled to it, just like you all are entitled to yours.
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