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Perfect Caster Class in X-box 360 Oblivion?

What are your opinions on the perfect playable magic class on Oblivion? Feedback please :) My Combination: Race:Breton-5 point bonus to mysticism,alteration,illusion,conjuration and restoration and dragon skin 50% shield skill Birthsign:The Mage-50 point bonus to magika Class:Necromancer custom class Governing attributes:Intellegence+Willpower-Higher base magika and magic use+faster magika regenration and higher base fatigue Major Skills: Destruction-frost,fire,entropic and shock damage.Starting spells:Flare,cold touch,shocking touch Alteration-Shields,open locks,walk and breathe water.Starting spells:Protect5%,open easy lock Illusion-Charm,invisibility,Light up,Command,paralyze,silence.Starting spells:Starlight,Calmlvl3 Mysticism-telekenesis,absorb reflect and dispel magic,sense life,soul trap.Starting spells:detect life,dispel magiclvl3,soul trap Conjuration-summon creatures,magical weapons and armour,scare undead.Starting spells:Summon skeleton,turn undeadlvl3 Restoration-fortify your attributes and skills,drain targets magika/health/fatigue,cure desease,heal self.Starting spells:minor restore health,drain life,fortify,cure desease Alchemy,create poitions,sample reagents,create poison for weapons.WARNING reqiures pestle and mortar to make potion and poisons Armour Usage:Light armour,Robes,cloths,leathers/mail/plate only if enchanted with magical benefit Weapon Usage:staves,or blades,blunts enchanted with magic benefits,shield to accompany 1 handed blunt/blade with magic benefit Guilds:For magical benefit join mages guild ASAP and access new spells,also arena has good gear available towards the end of the quest sequence And that is my Magic Character Combination Remember to comment :)