Thelef's forum posts
-First of all. We are not using Ubisoft as a scapegoat. Out of all the significant devs(EA, Capcom, Sega etc.) that make games for the Wii, Ubisoft is by far the worst. They deserve all the hate they get.
-Comparing Nintendo with Ubisoft? Really? SMG, MP3, TP, SPM and SSBB beats the living crap out of Raving Rabbids, Red Steel and the Petz series.
-Do we expect special treatment? No, but Ubisoft should at least put som effort in their games. EA(Madden 09 and Tiger Woods 09) and Activision(GH4 and CoD: WoW) is able to do it. Why not Ubisoft?
Killing day was a Ubisoft UK game.
Haze is being developed by Free Radical, an independent developer. Ubisoft is just the publisher of the game. They could refuse to publish the game, but that would not bring Killing Day back.
360: Bioshock, Halo 3 and Mass effect
Wii: Super Mario Galaxy, Metroid Prime and Zack and Wiki
DS: LoZ: Phantom Hourglass and Sonic Rush Adventure
Ninja Gaiden 2
Fable 2
Alan Wake
Too Human
BanjoKazooie 3
Spliner Cell: Conviction
Tales of Symphonia 2
Nights 2
Guitar Hero 3
Manhunt 2
Maybe, but not likely:
Battalion Wars 2
Crystal Chronicles: Crystal bearers
No More Heroes
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