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9/11 Conspiracy Theories are Bullcrap

Government: We want to cause a tragedy so great the American people will blindly follow us into war... What do you think gentlemen...

Accomplice #1: Well, the Towers are a perfect choice.. It's been bombed before. We can just blame Osama again. We've been priming the American people by having him blow up our warships and our buildings in other countries.

Government: Yeah, good idea! How will we do that?

Accomplice #1: We can hire Osama to get some of his friends to fly planes into it!

Accomplice #2: Wait... I have a better idea, We can BOMB the buildings!

Accomplice #1: Well, that means placing enough bombs into two 110 story buildings. That's going to take a lot of man power and risk us being uncovered...

Accomplice #2: Yeah, but that way, you're sure to knock them down. Besides, maybe the hijackers won't make it to the target. Maybe they'll be uncovered!

Accomplice #1: But you don't need to knock them down, all you need is the horrific sight of the planes hitting the buildings. People will get the message. It's an attack on American soil. We'll also have people like the blind sheik to cover for us. We'll even put a guy on a train with evidence.

Your plan isn't perfect either, you know. Do I have to remind you of Operation Towel Pop? We already tried to embarrass Clinton by knocking it down and failed.

Accomplice #2: Yeah, our Bay of Pigs, but I say the only way they can get the message is if we knock them down.

Accomplice #1: Do not

Accomplice #2: Do too

Accomplice #1: Do not

Accomplice #2: Do too

Accomplice #1: Do not

Accomplice #2: Do too

Government: Gentlemen, gentlemen... Please... What the hell, we'll just do both! :blink: How do we do that? I mean, how do you keep explosions from showing up on TV? We're going to have to investigate this at some point. How do we cover up the scene?

Accomplice #2: But why not just knock it dow...

Government: I've made my decision. Continue...

Accomplice #2: OK.. We install charges on every floor so that after the planes hit, we blow each floor under the crash floor one by one, very fast to simulate pancaking. We'll let the building burn a while just for effect. This will also give time for the trusses to sag making it LOOK like a fire caused the building to fall.

Accomplice #1: Nice touch...

Accomplice #2: Why, thank you. :) ...We'll set a charge off in the middle of the building AFTER the top is on its way down so everyone thinks the puffs of debris coming from the windows are from the tremendous hypodermic needle like pressure blowing debris from the weakest point in the building.

Government: What about the sound of explosions? Isn't that a dead giveaway?

Accomplice #2: No problem, We'll just let them think it's normal electrical explosions like transformers blowing up or the initial concrete and steel and floors hitting the floors below.

Accomplice #1: Yeah, it could also be the steel columns snapping like twigs from the tremendous weight of the floors above... Don't worry, we have disinformation specialists in key internet forums.

Government: WOW, You guys think of everything.. What about Building 7? Can we take that out at the same time?

Accomplice #1: We won't be able to fly planes into it, that's for sure...

Accomplice #2: Leave it to me. If we set off the explosions just right, we can have one of the towers hit Building 7, missing the two next to it. After that, we can set fires on the bottom floors and let it burn for a while, you know, to make it look possible for a normal collapse. I'll call my agent in the fire department to get everyone out before we blow it. I'll figure a way to make the floors look buckled for effect as well.

Government: Amazing ... I also want to take out the Pentagon. Any suggestions?

Accomplice #1: What we'll do is hijack a plane just for effect, then fire a missile at the Pentagon. A bunker buster.

Government: But what about the people on the plane?

Accomplice #1: We'll land the plane in area 51, then shoot them all.

Government: Why not use the plane instead of the missile? That way, you take care of all the evidence at the same time... People on the highway can also see the planes hit. If you use a missile, there's going to be a lot of witnesses who saw a missile and not a plane.

Accomplice #1: Err... ah, don't worry about these small details. I have an undercover op in the DC police department who will take the names down and shot them all.

Government: How are you going to get all the people involved in this? Bush isn't exactly loved you know..

Accomplice #1: Don't worry, psych-ops will take care of the brainwashing of the American people. As for the media, we control the left and the right!

Government: GREAT! Nice work all! Let's make the target date Sept 11, 2001.

9/11 conspiracy theories are nothing more than a new version of Holocaust-denial wrapped up in a nice little bow. They are nothing more than Youtube videos made by paranoid lying anarchists who want to make their fear of the government look remotely justified by trying to pretend that their crap is somehow legitimate by taking quotes out of context, harassing people, taking snippets of video footage and jumping to asinine conclusions whenever they falsely perceive a flaw in the official story.

There is not a single 9/11 conspiracy rooted in any semblance of fact or reality; they are lies, misinformations and manipulations that feed themselves on rooting some fear of the government in peoples' minds like the mental viruses they are. They are memes, fads, non-conformist ways of being "cool" and "rebellious" so the idiots who believe them can feel good about themselves by sticking up to the Big Bad Man Behind the Curtain they perceive as the government.

Any stupid collegian can think up the crap 9/11 conspiracy theorists pull out of their asses, and any stupid collegian can refute it. Logic, consistency, common sense, evidence, sanity; these are all the arch-enemies of 9/11 conspiracies and their perpetrators: blind teenagers and high school dropouts that blame the government for their problems and accuse any skeptic of their absurdities of being "sheeple" when all they do is quote Youtube videos and some half-baked scientist that never had any standing in his field anyway.

These people are so hyped up from too many Dan Brown novels that they'll see a conspiracy in any major event: the Prime Minister of England died of a heart attack? He was poisoned by his competition! The President was shot? It was the Vatican! We landed on Mars? It was Photoshopped! McCain won the elction? The government's just racist! The Pope ascended to Heaven in front of millions of witnesses? It was the aliens that'll destroy us after raising Atlantis on 2012 for hunting Bigfoot! And then these people will defend their crazy-ass **** to the death with blurry pictures and half-assed "evidences" that always turn out to be something completely different.