Last night I had a horrible nightmare. I was strapped to a table of some sort and people were looking at me, sewing my lips shut. Then this woman with bright red hair came in (no idea who she was) and all I wanted was for them to keep her out, don't let her near me, don't let her near me. They got rid of her and left me on the table overnight with my lips half-sewn shut. In the middle of the night, the red-haired girl came in with a needle and kept saying "I'll be gentle," and she sewed my lips shut all the way and moved to my eyelids. I broke the threads keeping my lips shut and it was the first time I ever heard myself scream in a dream, it was terrifying. Then the woman stuffed some kind of putty in my mouth that stuck to my teeth, screaming "I'LL BE GENTLE" over and over again, then she forced my mouth open and the putty ripped most of the teeth out of my head, shattering my jaw. I woke up about here and didn't get back to sleep for quite a while.
It was some crazy Hostel **** goin' down. :cry: