Roman Polanski is now, officially, a free man.
What a bunch of BS. Any other person who did the exact same thing he did would be thrown in jail for years in a cell with Bubba Bump-a-Dump and every single one of the hair-brained morons defending him would cheer and thank God that another rapist was removed from the streets.
Half the goddamn world calls for the Pope's head on a platter for moving a priest that may or may not have raped a kid over thirty years ago, but if a director who made some cool movies rapes a girl, is found guilty for raping that girl, and flees the country the day of his sentencing, well, JUST GET OVER IT. One of the commentators said it best: It only goes to show that if you're a pervert, be a big Hollywood director and not a catholic priest.
This whole ordeal is a glaring testament to how ****ing stupid we as a society have gotten. We only care about famous people who entertain us, and we care about them to the point of worship; they DESERVE special treatment, because I saw her boobs on such-and-such movie and he made this awesome movie back in the eighties that has like a 90 on Rotten Tomatoes.
****ing idiots.