And after I did that, I went to see Watchmen. ;)
Before I comment on the movie, I want to talk about one of the trailers before the movie: Angels & Demons. It looked absolutely spectacular. It's based on the prequel to The Davinci Code, but hopefully it won't be as controversial (I haven't read A&D so I wouldn't know, but as far as I know, it doesn't talk about the Vatican covering up Jesus' humanity and lineage, so I doubt it's gonna piss as many people off).
This short commentary will not contain spoilers until I say it will, so read on without fear.:)
Watchmen was, in a word, amazing. The fight scenes were awesome, Rorschach (my favorite character) was badass, the costumes were far, far better than the dorky costumes in the book, and the movie was long enough to entertain.
With that out of the way, there was one huge gaffe about the movie. Remember The Dark Knight? Remember the stellar performance of every actor in The Dark Knight. . .except for Rachel Dawes, who everybody wanted to hang by the time the movie was over? Well, Watchmen has a Rachel Dawes: her name is Laurie Juspeczyk.
Malin Akerman was completely terrible. She did not portray the Silk Spectre of the book at all. Her acting skills were pathetic. Her lines were corny. Her emotions (when she had them) were awkward and unbelievable. By the end of the movie she was my most hated character.
Aside from that one huge put-off, Watchmen has a few minor issues that pale in comparison and really don't bug me that much. The movie was very bloody. Limbs get cut off and broken off and shot off a lot. People explode. There are some fairly graphic sex scenes, and yes, we do get to see Dr. Manhattan's blue genitalia in all their florescent glory. However, I think the nudity in the movie is over-exaggerated; Dr. Manhattan's penis is difficult to see unless you're trying to see it (>____>) and there are only a few quick breast shots. There are several clear views of mens' butts, but some people don't consider that to be major nudity. In any case, the nudity is not nearly as graphic as the violence.
When the Comedian is in the bar at the end of the Vietnam War and kills the woman he slept with (and her unborn baby), the people in the bar they are in do not react to the gunshot. . .at all. You can clearly see them laughing and talking with their company while the woman is dead on the floor. Nobody screams, nobody runs for their lives, nobody gets on the floor or runs to protect the woman or anything. Aside from a few passing glances at the Comedian, there's no sign that they're even aware of her death.
As I said before, the movie is very violent. In one scene, a man's arms are sawed completely off while he screams, helpless to do anything. In another scene, a man explodes because of Dr. Manhattan, and his entrails cover everyone present and get stuck to the ceiling. Nite Owl breaks off a man's arm in another scene. All of these are graphically portrayed and viewed up-close, sometimes in slow motion.
Again, Silk Spectre is a nightmare in this movie. She has absolutely no reluctance to be a hero again; unlike in the book, where she despises it. Her worst moments were when she encourages Nite Owl to put on the owl costume (uh, wasn't it the other way around in the book?) and when she's saving the people from the fire. I cringed at her "Let's go" line.
The movie is very, very true to the source material, but there are some differences:
Rorschach was too emotional in the movie. In the book, he had no time for emotions; his most emotional moments were when he got caught and yelled for "his face," and when just before he was killed. Thankfully, that's how it is in this movie as well, but he also has some moments where I go "Hmm, that's not something I'd expect a sociopath to say."
More sex. There were sex scenes in the movie that were not in the book.
There was no comic book storyline. In the book, there was a comic being read by a minor character alongside the main story. The movie does not have that; in fact, you aren't even made aware of this minor character's existence until just before he dies. He has no lines and isn't known (I believe his name is "Bernard" in the book, but I can't remember).
The alien from the comic book is gone, and was replaced by a different scenario. Instead of blaming the catastrophe on aliens, Veidt pins the blame on Dr. Manhattan. The moral dilemma remains intact; in fact, I think this works even better than in the book. The book felt too unrealistic with the alien and left too many unanswered questions (like, what did the world do when they found out the aliens were fake? How could they not find out?). Also in the book, Dr. Manhattan's leaving felt too abrupt and unnecessary; in the movie, he at least has a bit more justification.
When Rorschach is killed (:cry: ) Nite Owl sees it, and attacks Veidt in a mad rage. This is a massive improvement from the book. Nite Owl and Rorschach were established as good friends, but when Rorschach was killed, Nite Owl had no reaction. He never saw it, but he had to have figured it out. In the book, we see him all nice and happy with Silk Spectre, and I hated him for that, because I thought it made him look like a douchebag. In the movie, I can still like him since he at least attempts to avenge his friend, if only to give up.
The scene where Rorschach kills the man who cut up and fed a little girl to dogs is different. In the book, Rorschach ties a man to a furnace and sets him on fire. In the movie, Rorschach ties him to a furnace and repeatedly smashes his head with a cleaver (like I said before, you see this in graphic detail).
On the whole, I'd say the movie was slightly better than the book, but only slightly. It could have been much, much better were it not for Silk Spectre. In any case, I'd recommend it for anyone with a strong stomach for graphic violence.