Yesterday, approximately one billion Christian men and women, along with billions of children, vanished in the blink of an eye to join the Lord Jesus Christ in Heaven for eternity, leaving the unsaved heathans and pagan idolators to perish in Armageddon.
Today, hundreds of millions of Christ's chosen have returned to Earth, disaffected by Heaven's strict gun regulation, lack of investment banking and socialized healthcare.
"I got to Heaven and was like, wow!" Says Sally Selfreliant. "And then I saw this massive mansion and asked Jesus, 'Who lives there?'
"He said, 'Everybody lives there.' I thought, surely He's mistaken; the Lord wouldn't just GIVE homes to lazy freeloaders like that!
"But I was wrong. Heaven's a Commie paradise."
Bubba Burnaqueer was another holy elect returned from Providence:
"I tried to bring my AK-47 in but Jesus told me they weren't allowed or necessary. Not necessary? What kind of Leftist show are they runnin' up there?
"Far better down here, where people's got some defense against oppresive gubment."
While the international Rapture of the Faithful failed to live up to many expectations of demonic catastrophe, the sudden, massive resurgence of conservative Christians worldwide has had devastating effects on local and global economies.