@Metallicwolf29 Agreed. I'm not saying the game is not going to be fun, but it seems to be just run, jump and shoot or maybe throw a grenade and shoot a rocket launcher. They seem to be hanging their hats on the wall running and the jet-packs, and that's it. Mass Effect 3 has already proven you can combine melee and special character abilities to enhance overall gameplay. Why are they the only ones doing this?
I really hope the game evolves beyond shooting and throwing grenades. Mass Effect 3 has already proven you can combine melee and special character abilities to enhance overall gameplay. There has to more to it than just going out and getting a bigger and better gun. Also incorporating environmental powers such hyper leaping, speed, and strength can add alot of difference gameplay. There's really alot that can be done, if they truly want to break out from the "run and gun" style that's way too common and repetitious in todays shooters
I applaud the efforts in Mass Effect 3 as far as making the multi-player gameplay more than just shoot and throw a grenade. I hope others will do similar things to add more gameplay to the "shooter" genre. It makes for a far more in-depth variety in games.
Also a few questions: Is there a cover system? Can you customize weaponry and armor ( that effects gameplay) you use? Is there stealth abilities you can add to character or vehicles? Are there shielding and armor ratings. Can swap weaponry with team mates? Is there any kind of leveling system with character, weapons or vehicles? Do you have to be human? Can you have a character that doesn't use guns but relies on abilities? Maybe these are questions that should've been asked BEFORE the making of the game.
All com'on "devs", where is the in-depth melee combat, special abilities, summoning lightning from the sky, something that really enhances gameplay, skill, and strategy? I'm glad a new Battlefront is coming, it had a little bit of everything. There's only so much you can do with just shooting and using explosive weaponry.
You damn right something isn't adding up. Cost of manufacturing disc or the plastic it's made from hasn't changed in over a decade. If anything it's gotten even cheaper because of the lowering of the quality it's made from. I would be surprised if it even cost over .50 to produce a single disc. Once a technology is perfected, it could be used over and over again. A new gaming-engine isn't made for every new title that's made. It just come down to GREED, pure and simple.
I'm a long time xbox fan. I'm afraid MS shot themselves in the foot with their consumer restrictions. Also not giving the consumers a straight answer as to why these policies are in place. I'm always a gamer first and considered getting both, but I may just the PS4 and call it a day.
@mjswooosh @TheoleDominion Indeed it will be. It's just ashame that simple electronic fun, has turned into a battle of morality, political, and basic human rights issue.
@mjswooosh True. especially after we both had good convo about. But I'm also first and foremost a lover of GAMES, curse you MS...lol You should'nt make someone choose between having privacy and their joy from playing games.
TheoleDominion's comments