Also.. I looked up some videos for BFBC2 and the "total destruction" seems to be just a few more bricks taken off the same stuff from BFBC, correct me if im wrong. Looked kind of dissapointing, then again I think it was beta so idk.
Theozek's forum posts
This. Im pretty sure the only difference between the pc and 360 verision of Dragon Age Origins is visuals and the 360's lack of mods. I own the 360 version and it is epic. Cool story,plenty of replay value and lengthy as hell. Well worth the price. It dont disappoint.DarknessConsumz
I was mainly worried about the controls for the xbox vs PC. But this has eased that a bit and I will likely go with DA:O
Thanks :D I appriciate the input
Ok so I got Dante's Inferno, and after beating it find myself wanting something else. Gamespot is giving me a great deal, $37.50 which I wont pass up, though normally they rip you off this price is acceptable to me.
Anyway I am having trouble deciding on something to get. I was really thinking about DA:O but without DLC and on the xbox I am very hesitant to get it. The other one was BFBC2 which of course, noone can really tell me anything about, I wont have internet for awhile though... so it could probobly wait? Other than these I do not really have any game preferences, love rpgs and shooters if they are mostly singleplayer since I dont have internet at the moment (for the xbox).
Anyone have any suggestions? :D
I am debating whether or not to get BFBC2 atm... the first one is ok, I wouldnt buy the second one unless they changed it alot heh, but I am sure it will be fine. If need be you can just look up a summary of BFBC1 story, it can practically be summed up in a sentance lol.
I am finding myself lacking in RPGs that I have not beating 3-4 times lately, and was looking for some input on anything I might have passed up that was worthwhile. Standing out the most at the moment is Dragon Age: Origins, which I fully intend to get at some point. I currently have, and have beaten, alot of the good RPGs out there. Some that I have are Fallout 3, Oblivion IV, ME and ME2.
Is there anything out there that I have missed and is worthwhile? Just looking for some opinions for some good RPGs! Thanks in advance :D
Hi guys, I just recently got ME2 and my passion for RPGs is burning once again. I never got around to actually buying Dragon Age Origins, but I have played it and loved it. My question, is whether or not I should pick up Dragon Age Origins for the PC, or the 360. Mainly this is a "Controls" issue, I have played on the PC and loved it though I think I would enjoy it more on the xbox. The thing is I have not gotten a chance to test the controls for it on the xbox and it seems like it would be strange, or at least a lot easier on the PC. Any thoughts would be appreciated, thanks in advanced :D!
And just in case, yes my PC can run it.
I know the feeling, a month or so on PC, then I got ps3 for xmas... never having used ps3 controller lol, it was awful. Sent me on a crusade for a ps3 controller styled after the 360 one. Thinking about getting a XCM cross battle adapter or something.KB/M, I remember one time I went through a month only playing only PC FPS. When I got back on console it felt really awkward and it took me a couple days for me to get used to it again.
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