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Thespiritoflife Blog

pissed off day

so i woke up at 4 got to the place got interviewed failed, and got put into a worse FREAKIN pissed 4 the rest of the day, im all wasted right now, sorry!!

I fixed my ps2.. well SortA

so i opened it and did operation on my ps2 and readusted the position of the laser and now it works. Although it was a sucessfull operation. it starting reading the disks and stuff and after about a few days of not playing it. it messed up a little bit, but is still able to read the disks. All n All i guess i need to fine tune it a little more and check it out and all that stuff then it should start working, fully, probably. ô¿ô

PS2 disk read horror

The subject says it all, ps2 disk read error is whats the deal, after having mines for about 2 years or 3 after buying like my 2nd one after having my older ones traded in time and time again i finally got the sickness of DRE's again and im sick and tired of getting it. So now i juss dont care i didnt buy a 150 dallor wheel and GT4 juss to get stopped by this retarded problem im gonna get another new ps2 and hopefully the new slim one wont have no DRE';s to haunt me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ITs over!!

i havent posted in a while so here goes i got psp Glorious!!!.... games SUPERBBBBBBB and E3 2005 over!!! Much hype and anitisipation, the next step is Next Gen Consoles!!! ps3 looks the best but will cost too much so i might end on getting xbox 360 at the end of this year. anyways Wm21 turned out.....WACK!!! and yeah a big dissapointment!!! Anyways cant wait for halo 3 and all them other games. (legend of zelda twilight princess, burnout Revenge, Black, and others)


RE4 is SSSSSIICCCKKKK Lots of OG Graphics and nice precition aiming with realistic pain reactions from the enemys, games is so awesome!!! Minish cap Zelda is ALSO a sweet Game such a classic feel with the NEW involved!!!

RE 4 is tommorow

WOW how exciting Greg gave it a 9.6, so it must be one of those good games, i mean damnit the score is higher than halo 2 which is freaky, but yeah i cant wait to see what all the hub bub and fuss is all about when tuesdays comes and it hits store shelves, anyways cay next time Jimmy signing off kk55
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