Or it would, if it didn't have games that kick the crap out of each of those. Metal Gear Solid IV kills Halo 3, LittleBigPlanet kills Gears 2 and Resistance 2 kills Fable II. Face it, the Ps3 is the superior console now, and will be for many a year.
Oh, and yeah, everyone knows Vamp is Bisexual. You get told this in a codec with Snake in MGS2. Thats how he got his nickname, which I would find quite offensive. Vamps origins. He was involved in a church bombing in Romania on Christmas. He got a Crucifix through his torso, and spent the next three days surviving on the only thing available - his familys blood. He was sleeping with both Fortune and her faather (not at the same time, obviously) Finally, the Darkness and shadow thing is Vamps most powertful move, but he doesn't always use it. He throws a dagger with a red handle, and it pins your shadow to the ground, immobilizing you, and allowing him to fill you full of blades. This happens after his seventh gravity defying dip.
To everyone who says that the size and graphics means the game could come to the 360 - how about the fact that everyone involved agrees that the 360 is crap?
Well, I've completed 2/3rds of the back story, ironically in reverse order. Now I just need the original, and I can tackle what is quite possibly the greatest game ever.
The fact that La-Li-Lu-Le-Lo sounds both catchy and silly is rather the point. It has the duel advantage of sounding ridiculous, letting people forget it, and making them forget the name Patriots. Its really a brilliant idea.
And to the guy who gave me reasons why the Xbox Live thing is better 1. Acheivements are retarded, being half made up of the damn plot (Hardly an acheivemtn) and at least a quarter for playing poorly. 2. Voice chat is available on PSN 3. Huh? What on earth does that mean? 4. Whats wrong with using the internet? 5. Also on PSN 6. Huh? 7. Once more, huh? 8 My PSN account was created, personalised and online in resistance in 10 minutes. XBOX Live is easier?
@nnn2004 ........... So, what you are saying is that you have precognitive abilities, but prefer to use these to argue in video game forums, as opposed to making a fortune gambling?
@nnn2004 Resistance : Rise of man. You're thinking of the first one. Siren : Blood Curse. How is that weak? I think its an interesting new idea. It sounds like its trying to break new grounds for "Games are art." Heavy Rain: What the hell does that mean? Pain : A fun game that allows people to perform Jackass stunts, but in a not gross way. Killzone 2: But of course you have been spying on them, and know that they won't make this release. Yakuza 3: "weak"? What the hell man? Its transplanting the Yakuza scene to its early days. Red Dead Revolver 2: That doesn't surprise me. SoulCaliburIV : Well lets see. Ones amongst the greatest villains on any form of media of all time. The others a rejected Muppet. inFamous: Yet again, what the hell does that mean?
Thewbacca's comments