marathon is very good. It's so good. One of my steam friends has named himself after the games main character.
His steam: (ZOG) Durandal
it's free! Bungie released the source code.
It gives doom a run for it's money.
marathon is very good. It's so good. One of my steam friends has named himself after the games main character.
His steam: (ZOG) Durandal
it's free! Bungie released the source code.
It gives doom a run for it's money.
Halo halo halo. when do you NOT show up."Halos awesome." "best shooter ever." err. It's like no one even ever played Quake or Doom. I bet there best games ever list looks like this.
5: Daikatana
4: Superman 64
3: HALO2
2: HALO1
1: HALO3
really. Halo games are over the top linear. why are they fun? really? How are they in any way possible fun!
enough ranting about halo.
I recentley got System shock 2 and must say. THIS GAME IS AMAZING. buy it. love it.
grrr. Why is it. Such an abysmal title like Halo 3 gets 9.75 in Game Informer. When a really good game like Haze gets 6.75. I don't get this? Halo 3 had a terrbile story that Doom could beat. Cheap gameplay that was stiff and made you feel like a floating gun. And dumb characters (Yeah! shoot that dead body arbitur! Make him know whos boss!) And haze has a brilliant story. Great gunplay minor glitches. And bad characters. But thats because it's part of the story!
I mean really. It's almost as if. Microsoft is milking halo like a cow. That went sour by halo 2. Is microsuck paying these reviewers to make sure the game gets good reviews no matter how insanley bad it is. Lets do a comparison.
DEUS EX (my favorite game ever.)
HALO 3 (My most hated game ever.)
Deus ex: smart story with fleshed out characters.
Halo 3: Something you could get from Stephen King.
Deus Ex: original gameplay.
Halo 3: Cliche gameplay.
I bet if I went up to a 11 year old and held up a copy of Deus ex. And A copy of Halo 3. He would take halo 3 no matter how lack luster. Microsoft if your reading this. STOP MILKING YOUR FRANCHISES.
Well. I have hope Bungie will make a 4th installment to one of my favorite FPS franchises ever. Marathon. Now that game was amazing.
Bungie. Make a new marathon for the mac.
win! Our band did win job today marching (really a pain on your legs) we had to wear a blue top thing. And the girls had to wear skirts. blarg. Not my style. but. We did win. so win.
also here are some songs I reccomend SO much.
THE BEATLES: Come together, Can't buy me love
ROLLING STONES: Paint,it black, Jumping jack flash(best song ever)
MICHEAL JACKSON: Smooth criminal.
so. win.
BTW! Darkest of days and killzone review
Single player: Glitchy at times but a VERY good story. And interesting concept
Multiplayer: Finally a FPS that doesn't rely on MP as a fall back. None here.
Single player: A very grim enviorment. Sometimes laggy. But good story.
Multiplayer: I'm still playing it like mad. GET THIS FOR IT'S MP!
yes. they do. Recentley I've been playing many ps2 games online (Killzone,RaC: UyA,MGS3,COD2) and I have to say. The ps2 actually has a pretty active community. (specially on Up your arsenal) so. win.
Secondly earlier I told you I was hit by a car. I'll tell you what happened. I was on my way to school and a driver was swirving. When I turned to see it....well. I was a tad bit to late. The shock made the pain a little less painful. I got up. and well. Getting up is hard with a rib sticking out of your chest. so. ouch. I prayed to Anuibus (all hail anuibus) that I would live. And well. I did. So WIN.
this is my response to Kanye West being hated for his comment about taylor swift.
We shouldn't hate him. We should reconize him as the greatest hero who has ever lived.
Also has anyone played Doom3? Very good. And in all honesty. Hadies in that game is a lot nicer than Mars City. Just what I think.
btw. Halo sucks.
all my steam games are gone.
I don't know what happened.
I got on after changing my processor.
they were all gone.
I'm pissed.
5. Yes. I'm a furry. Hate all you want. It's not gonna bother me.
4. I was hit by a car when I was 10. Almost busted my spine.
3. I have 3 dogs and 1 cat.
2. my first name is Maggie.
1. You just read 5 things about me.
Another brick in the wall (pink floyd)
Here to stay (Korn)
Love Stinks (J. Gelis Band)
Get over it (ok go)
Song 2 (blur)
also did you know I'm a girl!? I was like holy sh** when I figured that out.
Man. The things you learn by reading a text book.
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