grrr. Why is it. Such an abysmal title like Halo 3 gets 9.75 in Game Informer. When a really good game like Haze gets 6.75. I don't get this? Halo 3 had a terrbile story that Doom could beat. Cheap gameplay that was stiff and made you feel like a floating gun. And dumb characters (Yeah! shoot that dead body arbitur! Make him know whos boss!) And haze has a brilliant story. Great gunplay minor glitches. And bad characters. But thats because it's part of the story!
I mean really. It's almost as if. Microsoft is milking halo like a cow. That went sour by halo 2. Is microsuck paying these reviewers to make sure the game gets good reviews no matter how insanley bad it is. Lets do a comparison.
DEUS EX (my favorite game ever.)
HALO 3 (My most hated game ever.)
Deus ex: smart story with fleshed out characters.
Halo 3: Something you could get from Stephen King.
Deus Ex: original gameplay.
Halo 3: Cliche gameplay.
I bet if I went up to a 11 year old and held up a copy of Deus ex. And A copy of Halo 3. He would take halo 3 no matter how lack luster. Microsoft if your reading this. STOP MILKING YOUR FRANCHISES.
Well. I have hope Bungie will make a 4th installment to one of my favorite FPS franchises ever. Marathon. Now that game was amazing.
Bungie. Make a new marathon for the mac.