@Rahn1908: Yeah, with the way, the film was being marketed, (A death battle between two comic book titans) they really should've given more care to that plot point but as of now just embodies how rushed and poorly thought out the whole film was and to be honest, it's hard to even get excited for the other super heroes after the way they were teased.
I feel like you guys were a bit too conscious about criticizing the film, don't be. Sure, The Film wasn't green lantern levels of bad but that isn't necessarily a good thing when the film had still had a lot of glaring issues, particularly the "Martha" scene, I nearly walked off the cinema after that part. The film doesn't even truly establish why wonder woman is helping Bats and Supes in the first place when they're portrayed as shady individuals by the media. She just slots in for the sake of it. There is so much lore, that they could've explored and trickled out in different films. I have hope for the wonder woman movie as her casting was good but Zack snyder should not touch that movie as he's not impressed with man of steel and BvS.
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