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Thoksville Blog


Finally finished Darkstar. Great game, but the loading times between systems really put pauses on the gameplay. The best bit was really at the Ascarong gang. Real old-school, dog-fighting for your life, using all weapons type-stuff! Reminiscent of some of the missions in the unsurpassable FreeSpace2. I really liked all the little nods to others too, like the "Nostromo" system, and the racing along in trenches on the surface of a big mothership, etc. Would be pretty interested if they did a Darkstar 2. I even noticed a lot of the Thul names were derived from Irish names...

Dark Messiah trailer

Heh heh! Just watched that cooking trailer, brilliant. Looking forward now to some pureeing, frosting and roasting!! Gonna get me a chef hat like those guys at the end of it!

Prey Puzzle

Playing Prey at the moment. Super-cool puzzle where you're trapped inside a cube. Even the construction of the cube beforehand was a really impressive intro to it. Looked like something from that Cell demo! Anyway, the puzzle reminded me a lot of the cube-logic puzzles found at
Great fun to be doing it from *inside* the cube. Wish they had more like that in games!!

SiN Episodes Emergence

Played this over the weekend. Good bit of fun. It got a fairly low score here on the site, and eventhough it played quite well, I'd agree with the score for the most part. Cons: Not much new or interesting gear or weapons. No new interesting characters or gameplay methods/strategies (apart from the crazy green gas thing). Story (and even areas!) incredibly reminiscent of Far Cry. Pros: Great satisfaction from thumping pistol and resulting somersaulting bodies. Lots and lots of opportunity for humour with oodles of explosive barrels and tanks combined with people going on fire and chaingunners exploding!! Getting a shot on the pack of a jet trooper and watching him zoom around helpless is hilarious!!