When you read, it is not necessary to look at every letter of a word to know what the word is; you don't even have to see the word in detail, as you know by its shape and length and by its context (the meaning of the rest of the sentence in which it appears) what it is. To speed-read you have to be able to scan the lines you are reading. The brain soon learns which words are the important ones and also learns to take in several words together.
to speed up your reading, run your figure along beneath each line you read. Gradually increase the speed of your figer and you'll find your reading speeds up too. Don't hurry this, though, or you just won't take in what you're reading (like what you're doing now... :P Kidding).
To progress your speed-reading, use a newspaper, as columns are narrower than book pages. Draw a line right down the centre of a colum. Now try to read each line of words without moving your eyes from the beginning to the end of the line but by looking at its centre. You'll find that, with practice, your eyes are taking in a complete line at a time - and if you continue, you'll find that your brain starts doing the same and you can fully understand what you're reading. After a while don't draw the line and you'll soon be able to read a newspaper column just by running your eyes down the centre.
Avoid saying the owrds to yourself, and going back over something you've just read. Doing so will slow you down.
Have fun with it. It should help with reading long post or blog. lol. :P