Thrash777 / Member

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Me and gaming...

Well, I have been gaming since I was 3, and started with a Sega Megadrive. I played on it so much and for so long, and amassed an admirable collection of 50 games. My next console was a big jump to the Dreamcast, I decided to stay faithful to Sega and skip the N64 and PS1. My DC was amazing, the best part about it was a proper 3D, full adventure Sonic game! I quickly stepped up my collection to another hefty 50 games, of which all were well played and made use of. Legendary games were Sonic Adventure 1 & 2, Fur Fighters, Evolution, MSR, Soul Calibur and PSO, the game I've never spent so much time on before (1500 hours!!!) in my life. The online play was truly awesome.

The GBA came out at some point, which didn't appeal to me much, but when I found out that Sega was releasing a Sonic game on it, I immediately got one for that reason. I also dabbled about with Pokemon and other Nintendo games to see if they were any good (me being a Sega fan viewed Nintendo as the enemy), and I was pleasently surprised!

Impressed with some of Nintendo's games and still staying faithful to Sega, I bought a GameCube when it was released, for such games as Sonic, Zelda and SSBM. Metroid Prime was also great, along with other titles like Tales of Symphonia. But again, PSO consumed me and I played online again on the GC this time, and again enjoyed the thrill of PSO!

Then, sadly, the GameCube went through a very dry period of good games. Just... nothing. I started exploring aspects of the Xbox, which at the time had already been out for a year. After seeing what it could offer, as well as seeing how awesome Halo looking, I decided to get an Xbox with Halo. OMG! I was blown away with how amzing how much Halo had to offer! It is just an overall awesome game! Me and my bro played through campaign many times, and got friends together for small LAN parties. I also had a look at other games Xbox had to offer, such as PGR2, Fable, Forza, SW:KotOR, and the legendary Rainbow Six 3. That game was my next PSO. RS3 was my main Xbox Live game when I got my Xbox. I played it for about 1500 hours (yes, the same as PSO strangely) and got into the top 200 players by the time Black Arrow came out. I just loved the tatical feel it offered, and the teamwork you could employ.

After a year of owning at RS3 and its counterpart; Black Arrow, Halo 2 came out... Well, lets just say I didn't play much RS3 after that. I think I may have played almost everyday since it was released. I have made new friends and lost dear ones from my transition from RS3 to H2.

And now, after all this time playing H2, I now compete in online tournaments (yes, for money) on Halo 2. Me and my team are very strong, and are good friends online. We are ranked up with some of the top UK teams (technically seeded 16th, although that's just with this tournament site).

So there you are, a brief history of my gaming life! There is a bit more on my MSN space, link in the other blog post.

Thanks for reading!