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ThrawnEternal Blog

The Replay Hall of Fame

This is a little post for me to keep track of the games I've finished more than once. I'll edit/add to it as time goes on. For a game to appear on this list, I have to have finished the single-player mode at least twice.

Game Boys

  • Pokemon Red 5x
  • Pokemon Yellow 2x
  • Pokemon Gold 2x
  • Super Mario Bros. 3, 4x

Nintendo 64

  • Goldeneye 64, 2x
  • Banjo Kazooie 2x
  • Mario 64, 2x

Playstation 2 (none yet)

Xbox 360

  • Streets of Rage 2, 3x
  • Gears of War 3x
  • Earth Defence Force 2017, 3x
  • Rainbox 6 Vegas 2x
  • Gun 2x
  • Guitar Hero 2 (career levels) 2x
  • Halo 3, 4x
  • Half-Life 2, 2x
  • Mass Effect, 3x
  • Condemned 2x


  • Starcraft 2x

First Weeks With My 360

At Xmas, I bought a 360, finally. I started with GoW, Viva Pinata, Oblivion, and Saints Row, and soon after added Marvel Ultimate Alliance. I think it's a diverse starting lineup. I got Xbox live, and have played some GoW and Halo 2. I tried Saint's Row but it seems like almost nobody plays that game online anymore.

GoW is awesome online. However, no matter what I do, I can't win on Tyro Station or Escalation. Getting that around the world achievement is turning out to be a major pain in the ass. I have cleared the campaign on Insane, with all the cog tags.

Oblivion is also a game that threatens to steal my soul. I've already put in 24 hours of time into that game since I got it on Dec 26th. Since I'm on college break, I've had a lot of time to game (but I AM maintaining a social life).

The games I have are good for now, but I'm going to need more RPGs in the near future. Mass Effect, Bioshock, Blue Dragon, and possible Two WOrlds can't come out fast enough.

Why 2007 Will Be XBOX 360`s Year.

There`s a reason I`m itching to get an XBOX 360 this christmas, and it`s not just Gears of War. I think 2007 will be the year 360 shows it`s got what it takes to be the #1 sold system in this generation. Why do I think this? Let`s take a look at some 2007 titles...

Lost Planet: Shooting alien bugs and piloting mechs has got to be fun, right?

Blue Dragon: An old-school Japanese RPG featuring the art of Akira Toriyama. This game should be in the running for best 360 RPG of 2007, but it will be beaten out by...

Mass Effect: If you haven`t heard about this game by now, I feel bad for you. Do I really need to explain how this game will own?

Bioshock: Shooter meets RPG with a gripping story that changes based on your choices. Sounds like Deus Ex taken to the next level, or possibly the level beyond that.

Halo 3... duh

Resident Evil 5 and GTA4: Two games that would have been a boon to the PS3 if they were exclusive, but they`re not. Alone in the Dark also sounds promising.

Turok: I haven`t heard much about this one lately, but I expect it to be one of the hits of 2007.

There you have it, my brief list of reasons why 2007 will be an amazing year for the 360. I`m not going to make any predictions for the Wii yet. As for the PS3, I think its first year on the market will leave much to be desired, but the system will begin to gather some real steam next christmas once more units are available and FFXIII comes out.