This is a little post for me to keep track of the games I've finished more than once. I'll edit/add to it as time goes on. For a game to appear on this list, I have to have finished the single-player mode at least twice.
Game Boys
- Pokemon Red 5x
- Pokemon Yellow 2x
- Pokemon Gold 2x
- Super Mario Bros. 3, 4x
Nintendo 64
- Goldeneye 64, 2x
- Banjo Kazooie 2x
- Mario 64, 2x
Playstation 2 (none yet)
Xbox 360
- Streets of Rage 2, 3x
- Gears of War 3x
- Earth Defence Force 2017, 3x
- Rainbox 6 Vegas 2x
- Gun 2x
- Guitar Hero 2 (career levels) 2x
- Halo 3, 4x
- Half-Life 2, 2x
- Mass Effect, 3x
- Condemned 2x
- Starcraft 2x