Read the GameSpot news story EA to close UK studio.
You read the entire story and not just the headline, right?
Most of the people commenting didn't.
The story notes that all 50 affected developers have been offered jobs at other Electronic Arts studios, but it didn't stop those commenting from accusing EA of being an evil corporation interested only in money and not at all in the welfare of anyone but its executives.
Nor did it stop others from going on anti-EA rants that had nothing to do with the story, claiming the company acquires (struggling) competitors only to later shut them down (because they continue to struggle); that it is "forcing" people to pay for downloadable additions to their already purchased $60 games (just like Take Two, Sega, Microsoft and others); that it prevents competitors from competing--welcome to the corporate world--or that the company publishes nothing but awful, cookie-cutter games.
Apparently these people have never heard of or played The Sims, Fight Night, Burnout Revenge, SSX, Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath, The Lord of the Rings: Battle for Middle-earth II or one of many other innovative and/or fun games published by Electronic Arts in recent years.
More than those games, it seems the days of EA rushing a game through development and releasing it essentially unfinished are over. Superman Returns (the game) has been delayed until the home video release of the movie despite that, even unfinished, it (the game) would have sold far better as a theatrical release tie-in. FIFA 07 next-gen is exclusive to the Xbox 360 even though rushed PS3 and Wii versions would be big sellers. And how long has Spore been in development? Marvel Nemesis was a painful lesson for EA--I hope.
Not that anti-EA zealots will notice or care.