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Still leaning towards PS3 over 360, and Wii will wait for black

(Yeah, the Wii puns have been done to death, but I was feeling left out.)

Even after two consecutive lackluster Sony Computer Entertainment keynote addresses, I am still more likely to go with a PlayStation 3 than an Xbox 360.

It's about the games, of course. Heavenly Sword, Heavy Rain, Eyedentify and Untitled Naughty Dog Game (working title) are PlayStation 3-exclusives, are of great interest to me and do not (yet?) have Xbox 360 equivalents.

By contrast, many of the high profile Xbox 360-exclusives are shooters, a genre in which I have no interest. Gears of War and Halo 3 could be the best games ever, but I still wouldn't like them.

There will be Xbox 360-exclusive titles I will want, but my experience owning a PlayStation 2 and GameCube (and a Dreamcast, but that one doesn't count; I bought it after it was discontinued) has taught me that there will not be enough to justify owning two game consoles that do little to differentiate themselves from one another.

And the it's about the games isn't just about next-generation games. I have a large library of PlayStation and PS2 games. With an Xbox 360, they're useless. A PS3 would make it possible to continue playing them without first taking an old console out of a drawer and connecting it to my television set or having too many boxes permanently in my TV stand, with the added advantage of upconverting the graphics to high definition. (Argue backwards compatibility is overrated all you want; I'm still playing Street Fighter Collection 2 and Bomberman Party Edition after all these years.)

So it's either PlayStation 3 or Xbox 360, not both, and unless most of my anticipated PS3 games turn out awful or there's something spectacular for the 360 that isn't a shooter that comes out of nowhere, it looks like I will choose PlayStation 3 (after the price drops to something reasonable).

The Wii's modular, motion-sensitive game controller; unique game catalog and less powerful hardware do differentiate the console from the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, so I can justify a Wii in addition to one of the other two.

But not at launch. With only white--I hate that color, and it looks terrible in my TV stand--Wiis available initially and other colors expected later, I will wait until it is available in black--I like that color perhaps too much--before I buy. As much as I want a Wii (a lot), I am not repeating my white DS Lite at launch, black DS Lite 3 months later incident. It isn't worth the money.

That and what I've spent on clothing in the last few weeks could have paid for both a PlayStation 3 and an Xbox 360.

Banana Republic, why do you have to be so expensive?