Thraxen / Member

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You want me to take the woman in the bunny suit seriously?

Fran, you and your bunny suit are why I am not buying Final Fantasy XII.

It isn't only because of you and your bunny suit, Fran, but that bunny suit you wear taken in context with the tone of your game best represents what is wrong with Final Fantasy XII.

When a game's plot matters and it's melodramatic, it shouldn't take itself seriously. People who are evil because they are evil cannot and should not be taken seriously. Especially when they're wearing ridiculous costumes.

(Fran is not evil, but she, like all characters in Final Fantasy XII, good and evil alike, wears a ridiculous costume.)

Could you have a serious conversation with someone wearing a bunny suit?

A humorless, drawn out battle between good and evil might go over well with children, teenagers, fantasy nerds and people who confuse anxiety and maturity with one another, but the rest of us want more.

Either give us background on why the evil characters are evil and have everyone wear normal clothing, or add some humor so we can laugh at how ridiculous everything is.

In the case of Final Fantasy XII, the humorless, melodramatic story featuring characters wearing ridiculous clothing is a shame. The new real-time, strategic battle system is like nothing seen previously, but sitting through the story to get to the battles is an exercise in frustration.

You may have a tail and dress effeminately--not that there's anything wrong with that--if your game doesn't take itself seriously.

The Final Fantasy series hasn't always taken itself seriously. The Nintendo-era games (parts I through VI) and not-Nintendo Final Fantasy IX had senses of humor about themselves.

It wasn't until the series moved to Sony's consoles that it stopped being funny. That's where I lost interest, save part IX, because it did have a sense of humor.

Jessica (Dragon Quest VIII) wears a bunny suit, but her game has a sense of humor.

Return humor to Final Fantasy and I start playing again. Until then, there are plenty of other games that either do not take themselves seriously or have genuinely deep stories.