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PSP Only?

From now on my profile and all my games will only be from my PSP. You make ask why, and my answer is simply just to simplify my gaming on here. I don't have many PSP games so I think it would be a lot easier for me to just keep track of my gaming if it was only from my PSP.

Thats all for now...

PSP Only?

From now on my profile and all my games will only be from my PSP. You make ask why, and my answer is simply just to simplify my gaming on here. I don't have many PSP games so I think it would be a lot easier for me to just keep track of my gaming if it was only from my PSP.

Thats all for now...

Strictly Business

On this site i have been writing about my personal life and those days are now over..this is going to be strictly business from here on out. What you can expect from me from now on is:

NHL (Sharks) updates

Video games im playing

Recent video games that look interesting


Updates on recent purchases

Recent news

Other then these i doubt i will have anymore things to write about. Maybe ill forget about this but this is how i want it to be from now on..hope you still enjoy

A Boring Day So Why Not Write

Okay so today I am pretty bored. I really don't have anything to do except hang out at home and we all know how much fun that is. My dad keeps telling me to invite a friend over but i'm not really in the mood to host a friend at my house. My dad is just naming off friends of mine who he thinks I should have over such as Clayton, Jake, and Jessica. Right now I would really like Jessica to come over but I really don't feel like asking her on such short notice.

Alright now I will talk about what I have been up to all summer long. First off let me tell you I still haven't gotten my graduation gift from my parents because I am still not very sure on what I really want. But in the end I think I am going to stick with the PS3. Other then that I have been hanging out at home almost everyday. At home I skateboard (a lot), go on the computer, and text friends. I mean really what else is there to do at home. Yeah theres tv but I don't feel like wasting the day away watching a box with pictures on it. Same with video games, I don't want to waste my day. Yeah you could say it's not wasting the day if I enjoy doing it but you know, I really don't enjoy it too much when I know I could be doing something active. Staying at home isn't all I have done this summer. I have also gone on a date with Jessica to go see the Incredible Hulk. Now that I would have to say was the best day of summer so far. I am going to see if she wants to do that again sometime or maybe go do something else. It should be fun on whatever we do next. I have also had lot's of friends come over this summer. When they come over though guess what we're doing. Yeah you guessed it, video games. Seriously all freakon day long. It's not all that fun. This summer I have also done some community service hours by working at my churches Vacation Bible School. I went everynight for five days and I helped serve the food. That was a good 20 hours I think. Other then going to the movie with Jessica I have gone to other movies. Last week I went and saw Wanted. Wow what a freakon crazy movie that was. I really liked and enjoyed it but I don't know if I would ever go see it again. Also last week I went and saw Hancock. I really didn't enjoy that movie too much because to me it seemed boring. Also this summer I went and saw Kung Fu Panda which was pretty funny.

Yeah so this summer hasn't been all that glamorious but you know I just gotta enjoy it while it lasts.

Random, Random, and more Random

Okay this blog will most likely be about a lot of different things just because I don't know what i'm gonna talk about right now. This could be interesting.

So in the hockey world right now the Red Wings are going against the Penguins and they are up 2 games to none. My predictions are that the Wings will win the cup in game 5.

So tomorrow is ditch day so this weekend was pretty much a 4 day weekend. I'm pretty excited cause we're going to 6 flags and I have only been there once before. It should be lots of fun.

So I was talking to my mom today and I am pretty sure i'll be getting a PS3 for graduation. I am really looking foward to getting it. I think I will be very impressed with it and I think I will have many fun years playing it.

So this weekend I finally made a myspace and I have to say it's pretty fun. I don't have that many friends yet but i'm getting more daily.

In my gaming world I have been playing a lot of Fifa 07 and that's about it. I have just been doing some quick matches on it because i'm not quite sure how to start a season but i'll keep trying.

So that's about it for this blog. Interesting...well you decide.

PS3 vs Xbox 360

So yesterday in my blog I talked about how I wanted a PS3 and I never really mentioned why I wanted it over a Xbox 360 so I decided to tell you in this blog.


The PlayStation 3 is the latest console system manufactured by Sony Computer Entertainment. The PlayStation 3 is the successor to Sony's PlayStation 2 system, the runaway winner of the previous console generation competition among the GameCube, Xbox, and the PlayStation 2. Sony launched the PlayStation 3 in November 2006 in Japan and North America. Nintendo shipped its Wii system at about the same time, but Microsoft was able to get the Xbox 360 to retail at the end of 2005, a full year ahead of Sony and Nintendo.

The newest game consoles all have upgraded hardware, expanded multimedia support, and online services. Sony has outfitted its newest PlayStation with a multicore IBM Cell processor,an Nvidia RSX graphics chip, and a Blu-ray drive. The system can play DVDs, Blu-ray movies, and music CDs in addition to PlayStation 3 video games. You can also use the console to play video and music files, as well as view images stored on the system hard disk or from a connected flash memory or USB device. Sony recently released a console firmware upgrade that lets the system stream content from DLNA-enabled PCs over the local network.

Sony may have to share Grand Theft Auto and Devil May Cry with Microsoft this time around, but the PlayStation 3 will still have a good number of first-party exclusives developed by SCE game studios. Expect to see plenty of God of War, Gran Turismo, and Hot Shots Golf during the console's lifetime. Sony still has several major third-party exclusives, most notably Metal Gear Solid 4 from Konami and Final Fantasy XIII from Square Enix. Popular PlayStation 3 games currently include Ratchet & Clank Future, Warhawk, Resistance: Fall of Man, and MotorStorm.

-40GB internal hard drive provides plenty of storage space for game saves, media and more

-Cell Broadband Engine state-of-the-art microprocessor is more powerful and efficient than standard single-core processors, delivering breakthroughs in fidelity and believability

-Blu-ray media stores up to five times more data than DVDs, providing a larger canvas for unbelievable graphics and unprecedented interaction; Blu-ray drive also plays Blu-ray movies for a high-definition experience with your favorite films

-Multi-axis motion sensing system immerses you in a realistic gaming experience by making the wireless controller an extension of your body, all in real time with high precision

-Bluetooth technology allows you to connect your console to the Internet wirelessly

Xbox 360

The Xbox 360 is a video game and entertainment console system manufactured by Microsoft. It can play Xbox 360 video games, DVD movies, audio CDs, and video and game content downloaded from the Xbox Live online service. Console owners can view photos and listen to music using the system's built-in photo viewer and music player software. Hard-drive equipped Xbox 360 systems are also backward compatible with a large number of games made for Microsoft's original Xbox system. The Xbox 360 first shipped in North America and Japan at the end of 2005.

The Xbox 360 System

Although the Xbox 360 competes against both the PlayStation 3 and the Wii in the current console generation, many consider the PS3 to be the Xbox 360's primary competitor because the systems share similar hardware capabilities and use a traditional gamepad controller interface. The Wii, on the other hand, has less powerful hardware, but has a novel motion-sensing "Wiimote" control. As a result of the control and graphics-power differences, many multiplatform games look and perform similarly on the Xbox 360 and the PS3, but are far different on the Wii.

Microsoft was able to take an early lead by releasing the Xbox 360 a year before the PlayStation 3. This lead made it easier to court third-party developers to create games for the 360. Microsoft hasn't been shy about acquiring developers, either. Microsoft has added heavyweights such as Bungie, Rare, and Lionhead Studios to the Microsoft Game Studios roster to ensure a steady stream of high-quality, first-party games. (Bungie has recently become an independent studio once again, but still plans on developing games for Microsoft platforms.)

The Xbox 360 has a well-rounded game library with plenty of games in all the major game genres, but the system's strongest genres are currently sports and shooters. The shooter genre on the Xbox 360 features hits like Gears of War, BioShock, and Halo 3 and several strong military franchises including Call of Duty and Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter. Gamers can also play third-person action games such as Splinter Cell Double Agent, Dead Rising, and Hitman: Blood Money while they wait for the latest Grand Theft Auto sequel. Console owners can look forward to yearly updates for the most popular sports franchises including Madden, NBA 2K, FIFA, NCAA Football, NHL, and Tiger Woods.

-Powerful hardware features 512MB unified memory, custom symmetrical tripe-core CPU and custom 500MHz ATI graphics processor

-Every Xbox 360 title supports 720p and 1080i high definition resolution or 480p standard definition resolution

-Exclusive games (not included) shatter expectations with advanced customization features, HD graphics, full surround sound and online-enabled gameplay

-Vibrant characters display depth of emotion to evoke more dramatic responses, immersing you in the experience

-Rip music to the Xbox 360 hard drive and share your latest digital pictures with friends

-View progressive-scan DVD movies

-Support for up to four wireless game controllers

Might Get A PS3

So today I was looking at the difference between the PS3 and the Xbox 360 and I found out that the PS3 is far better and the games are for my taste. I've always said that if I got a new system that I would get a Xbox 360 hands down but after comparing the two systems I have decided to go with the PS3. I have asked for one for my 8th grade graduation and I am hoping to get it along with some games. The games I am planning on purchasing are...

MLB 08: The Show for PS3 - MLB 08: The Show Playstation 3 - MLB 08: The Show PS3 Game This game has amazing graphics and looks like a fantastic baseball game,

Skate for PS3 - Skate Playstation 3 - Skate PS3 Game I have always wanted this game and if I get a PS3 then i'll finally be able to get it,

Madden NFL 09 for PS3 - Madden NFL 09 Playstation 3 - Madden NFL 09 PS3 Game I have to update my Madden and why not on a brand new system,

Gran Turismo 5 Prologue for PS3 - Gran Turismo 5 Prologue Playstation 3 - Gran Turismo 5 Prologue PS3 Game This game looks insanely awesome,

and I would also be picking up NHL 09 but they don't have the box cover yet. I am pretty excited and I am planning on getting the 40 not the 80. Here is what the 40 has to offer...

-40GB internal hard drive provides plenty of storage space for game saves, media and more

-Cell Broadband Engine state-of-the-art microprocessor is more powerful and efficient than standard single-core processors, delivering breakthroughs in fidelity and believability

-Blu-ray media stores up to five times more data than DVDs, providing a larger canvas for unbelievable graphics and unprecedented interaction; Blu-ray drive also plays Blu-ray movies for a high-definition experience with your favorite films

-Multi-axis motion sensing system immerses you in a realistic gaming experience by making the wireless controller an extension of your body, all in real time with high precision

-Bluetooth technology allows you to connect your console to the Internet wirelessly

If I get it, then it would be an awesome and worth while buy.


So again lately I haven't really been on in awhile. It hasn't been too long but it's been a couple days. In those couple of days I have finished a book and started a new one. This blog will be about the book I just read and the book I am currently reading. So enjoy.

The book that I have just currently finished was Black Hawk Down by Mark Bowden. The book is 356 pages and has a great story. Here is what it is about...Destined to become a classic of war reporting, Black Hawk Down is Mark Bowden's brilliant account of the longest sustained firefight involving American troops since the Vietnam War. On October 3, 1993, about a hundred elite U.S. soldiers were dropped by helicopters into the teeming market in the heart of Modadishu, Somalia. Their mission was to abduct two top lieutenants of a Somali warlord and return to base. It was supposed to take an hour. Instead they found themselves pinned down through a long and terrible night fighting against thousands of heavily armed Somalis. The following morning, eighteen Americans were dead and more than seventy badly injured...So that was the book I just read. It was really exciting and very detailed and graphic. I would recommend reading it if you are looking for a good war book or just another great book.

So the book that I am currently reading is called "Mattimeo" by Brian Jacques. Brian Jacques happens to be my favorite writer and I also happen to own almost every book from the Redwall Series. "Mattimeo" has 432 pages and I am currently on page 165 and what I have read of the book so far has been great. Here is what the story of "Mattimeo" is about...Slagar the fox hated Redwall Abbey-its peaceable creatures, its fearless mouse warrior Matthias. He blamed Matthias for the injuries he'd suffered, but his quest for vengeance would have to be a cunning one, for he knew the power of the legendary Redwall sword...So far in the book Slagar has kidnapped Matthias's son Mattimeo and Matthias is on his way to save him. It is a great book and has a great story and author. I would also recommend this book and along with the other books from the Redwall Series.

So this isn't the longest blog I know but I couldn't really think of anything to write about and I really didn't feel like just writing another pointless blog which you would probably not even want to read. I guess this is it for another blog.

THUG 2 Remix

GameSpot Score 8.5 great

This "remixed" version of the original delivers almost everything that was great about the console versions, and with the inclusion of four new levels, the single-player experience has gotten even better.

Gameplay 8 Graphics 9 Sound 8 Value 8 Tilt 9
  • Difficulty: Medium
  • Learning Curve: About a half hour
  • Game Details

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The Video Review

How did Tony Hawk's Underground 2 make its translation onto Sony's new handheld? Find out here.

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The Good

  • Looks almost exactly like the PlayStation 2 version
  • Controls well
  • The four new levels for this version are great.

The Bad

  • Anyone that played THUG2 on consoles won't find much new here
  • Occasional visual glitches on your created skater
  • Would have really benefited from online multiplayer.

Impressive Tony Hawk games that arrive simultaneously with portable hardware launches are nothing new. Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 took the series to the Game Boy Advance with winning results. But at the same time, you couldn't help but feel like you were playing a different game entirely. Now, just in time for the PSP launch, Activision is set to offer up a portable version of Tony Hawk's Underground 2, which was released on consoles last year. This "remixed" version of the original delivers almost everything that was great about the console versions, and with the inclusion of four new levels, the single-player experience has gotten even better.

The four new levels in Remix are a great addition to an already-great game.

For those unfamiliar with the series, the world of Tony Hawk is all about fast-moving free****skateboarding. The game is mostly goal-oriented, with challenges based on scoring, creating long combos of tricks, and some objective-based stuff, like pulling a specific trick on a certain object, which often results in a scene of mass destruction. But while the goals are the main point of the game, the control and gameplay is fun enough that simply skating around and tricking off of objects is a very worthwhile and fufilling activity.

The biggest change made for the PSP remix of THUG2 is the addition of four new levels. Kyoto, Las Vegas, Atlanta, and Santa Cruz have been worked into the main story mode, meaning you'll hear some new dialogue in the between-level cutscenes that make these new levels fit. Each of these levels is a fine addition, and each fits right into the lineup of existing levels very well. Other things that fans of the console games will notice is that the graphics, while insanely impressive and very comparable to the PlayStation 2 version, have been scaled back slightly. Also, there's no in-level voice work at all. But the important things, like the ultra-tight control and gameplay the series is known for, are all shockingly intact. At times, you'll wonder how, exactly, Shaba Games managed to fit the PS2 version onto a portable system with so much of it completely unchanged.

While Tony Hawk's name may be on the cover, THUG 2 Remix has a lot to do with professional shopping cart destroyer Bam Margera and his brand of destructive fun, which figures much more heavily into the latest Tony Hawk game. The game's story mode essentially plays out like a Viva La Bam scavenger hunt, with two teams--one led by Tony Hawk and the other by Bam Margera--setting out on the World Destruction Tour. So your goals don't focus so much on becoming a star of the skateboarding world; here, you're just trying to fly around the world to break stuff.

THUG2's story mode is a whirlwind tour that gives you four skaters and a mess of goals to accomplish in each level. You start out each level as your created skater, though you'll also pick a pro skater as a partner. You'll also find two other skaters--or at least people who ride skateboards, since it seems weird to call Ben Franklin, a high-rolling cowboy, or a shrimp vendor "skaters"--hidden in various spots on each level, and each time you encounter a new skater, you'll unlock another set of goals for that level. Some of these new characters don't even ride boards. You'll run into Steve-O, who rides around on a wheeled mechanical bull, and you'll meet an Australian in a small go-kart.

At the beginning of each level, you're given a list and set off into the world. There aren't any onscreen indicators to point you in the direction of a goal, though if you happen to do a trick off a piece that is part of a combo goal, the rest of the pieces will light up. If you want the skinny on what, exactly, you're supposed to be doing, you have to pause the game and go into your view goals screen, which will give you more details on what you need to do. While this approach frees the game of clutter and onscreen icons, it also means you're going to be spending a lot more time reading text in the pause menu. Each goal is worth a different amount of points. Once you've earned a specific number of goal points, you'll be able to move forward. This also triggers a cutscene, which puts some more backstory in the Bam versus Tony adventure. All in all, the story mode is satisfying in its structure. The PSP version works in four optional levels in the story mode, which is a nice change of pace that gives you some choices to make, unlike the console versions' rigid pace. Despite having three difficulty levels, players should be able to burn through the story mode in around seven to 10 hours. Fortunately, that's not all THUG2 has to offer.

Underground 2 also contains "****c mode," which brings back the two-minute run timer and goal structure of the first three Tony Hawk's Pro Skater games. Many of the levels are the same ones you see in the story mode, but a number of levels from previous entries in the series--all the way back to the school and downhill jam levels from the very first game--appear here. While it's nice to have a separate mode like this, the concept of working to unlock levels that you've either already played in the story mode or remember from earlier entries in the series makes the mode a little underwhelming.

The gameplay in THUG2 starts with THUG, which added the ability to get off your board to run around, and expands from there. Probably the most important addition in THUG2 is the sticker slap, which is an airborne wall plant that shoves you off with a good deal of acceleration, making it perfect for finding your way back onto a rail and continuing a combo by going back the way you came. The rest of the gameplay changes aren't really as useful. You can also execute vertical wall plants while going up some ramps, giving you an extra height boost that you'll rarely need to actually use but will occasionally come in handy. You can now spray graffiti tags when you're off your board, which factors into some goals. When you're special, you can enter "focus mode" by flicking the analog disc, though it's little more than a glorified slow-motion effect. A few goals in story mode require it, but beyond that, all focus will do for you is make it slightly easier to land cleanly or to balance on rails, lips, and manuals for longer periods of time. If this is your first experience with the Tony Hawk series, you might find that useful, but anyone with even limited experience with the games won't need the help very often. There is also a new move called the natas spin, which lets you spin in place on top of poles, fire hydrants, trash cans, and other pointy items. It, like most of the other new moves, figures into a couple of goals, but doesn't really seem all that necessary.

The game also has a new "freak out" function. After some falls, a freak out meter will appear, and mashing the grind button will cause it to fill up. If you reach a certain point on the meter before your skater stands back up, you'll make him get mad and destroy his board. A new board gets tossed in, and play continues as normal. But your tantrum translates into a couple thousand points of base score. So if you can get a combo going a few seconds after you bail, you'll get some bonus points to throw in there. However, freaking out just means it'll take longer for you to get back on your board and start skating again, and the game has almost completely de-emphasized point scores in its goal-based modes. The score bonus isn't enough to justify the extra time it takes to get back on the board, so you're usually just better off keeping your cool. While not all these changes are all that great, the core gameplay in THUG2 is still very strong. The refined gameplay that comes from six years of tinkering still works, and fans of the series should still enjoy themselves quite a bit.

The PSP version of THUG2 retains most of the features found in the PS2 release, including face mapping for your custom skaters. The face mapping works largely as it did on the PS2, though getting your face onto your PSP is now as simple as taking a photo with a digital camera and placing that JPEG image on your PSP's memory stick. It's easy to use, and it works surprisingly well...once you get the hang of lining up the images and making the skin colors match up. In addition to the robust skater creation, THUG2 Remix also has a handful of different create modes that let you build your own parks and create graphics for stickers, decks, and the like.

THUG2 Remix has wireless networking support that lets up to four local players play in 11 different modes. Most of the standard modes found in the console versions of the game, like trick attack, score challenge, combo mambo, slap, king of the hill, capture the flag, firefight, and graffiti, are present. THUG2's console release introduced new modes, like elimiskate and scavenger hunt. The former works like a knockout race in a driving game, where the player in last place is eliminated at specific intervals until only one player remains. Scavenger hunt has two phases. In the first, each player skates around and drops five coins at different spots in the level. After that, it's up to the players to collect as many coins as possible. The first to collect them all, or the player with the most coins when time expires, is the winner. The multiplayer support works well, and the modes give you a lot of different options to choose from, making this a smart inclusion. But while the four-player support is cool, it's disappointing that actual online multiplayer isn't included.

From a technical standpoint, THUG2 Remix looks very impressive. You'll have to look pretty hard to find areas where it differs from the PS2 version, but after spending several hours with the game, you'll start to see where corners were cut. Some fences and other thin objects have been reduced to flat, 2D textures. And the textures, in general, are a little blurry. But the fact alone that this version compares favorably to the console versions speaks volumes about both the quality of this port, as well as the PSP's overall technical abilities. The frame rate is both rock solid and smooth enough to convey the action very well.

THUG2 has a slightly different look from the previous Tony Hawk games. Specifically, the models used in cutscenes have a slightly more exaggerated appearance to them. While they may not look quite as realistic, this over-the-top look makes the characters--Bam Margera, in particular--seem much more expressive and animated than in the past. This fits well with the off-the-hook nature of the story mode, which has you going all over the place and busting stuff up in an unrealistic but satisfying fashion. In the game, the worlds are colorful and unique-looking. The skater models look good and animate well, which is unsurprising given that much of the animation is recycled from previous entries in the series.

It's hard to believe that a handheld system is capable of running this game so well.

The audio in THUG2 Remix is great. The sounds of actual skating haven't changed much, but they still fit well and sound nice. The soundtrack is as varied as the previous game's, containing a hefty list of really crazy songs. Have you ever skated to Frank Sinatra tunes? You'll get your chance here, as Old Blue Eyes joins artists like Metallica, The DOC, Ween, Less Than Jake, Violent Femmes, Atmosphere, Ultramagnetic MC's, X, Ministry, Brand Nubian, and, yes, Audio Two, a hip-hop duo that contributes its ****c track, "Top Billin'." Yes, the entire soundtrack from the console version of the game is present here, too. With more than 50 tracks in all, as well as the ability to turn off tracks that don't fit your tastes, you'll probably find a suitable bunch of songs to skate to. The only thing missing is almost all of the speech found in the console versions of the game. It's noticeable, but the characters' personalities still come through in the cutscenes.

Tony Hawk's Underground 2 Remix is, first and foremost, a great game. But with its ability to successfully mimic the console versions, it's an impressive technical achievement, too. If you played the console versions to death, the PSP's new levels probably won't be enough to warrant another purchase. But if you've stayed away from the Tony Hawk series for a while, this is a great chance to get reacquainted with it.

FlatOut:Head On + Other Stuff

So I was just looking at Gamespot's review on FlatOut:Head On and I was suprised the game only got a 7.5. See if you agree with the score after reading the review...

The Good

  • Multiplayer modes
  • Great physics and damage
  • Lots of varied game modes
  • Plenty of challenges.
The Bad

  • Not that different from FlatOut 2
  • Slightly too difficult.
Game Details | About Our Rating System

There's something rather charming about the low-fi nature of FlatOut: Head On. With its Dukes of Hazzard-****vehicles and single-minded hunger for destruction, it definitely has a gritty charm--like Burnout on a budget, if you will. But what FlatOut lacks in refinement, it makes up for with a twisted sense of humour, an assortment of game modes, and some frankly outrageous stunts. FlatOut fans will definitely get a feeling of déjà vu if they pick up this first iteration of the series for the PlayStation Portable, but that doesn't stop it from being a very enjoyable handheld racing game.

Destruction is the name of the game with FlatOut: Head On.

FlatOut: Head On offers a wide variety of race types, all of which have a destructive element. The circuit races are the most familiar--the aim is to win the race while earning points and boost power by smashing others off the road. Final position is based not only on where you finish, but also on the points you accumulate and the amount of damage you dish out. There are also destruction derbies, a welcome mode for anyone with fond memories of Psygnosis' Destruction Derby on the original PlayStation. The idea here is to inflict as much damage as possible on the other vehicles in the arena, mainly by hitting the weakest spots on their car as fast as you can. If you become damaged yourself, you have to hide from other players or else you can be knocked out of the event. Finally, beat the bomb follows the traditional time-trial racing model--but FlatOut's penchant for destruction means you'll explode if you miss a checkpoint.

The stunt mode is where FlatOut: Head On really comes into its own, and it's here that its twisted sense of humour shines through. The idea behind stunt mode is to drive down a short stretch of road to build up speed, and then launch your driver through the windscreen of your car, aiming him at some sort of target. Ten-pin bowling, darts, and even curling form the basis for many of these minigames; there are a total of 12 sporting-based stunts. While they might sound like minor diversions compared to the main races, the minigames are addictive and frequently hilarious as your rag-doll driver hurtles into a variety of obstacles.

The aforementioned modes are split up into two main components, the carnage mode and the flatout mode. The carnage mode offers a total of 36 races, derbies, and challenges that are unlocked by earning enough points along the way. This means that you don't actually have to come in first in every race, and you can go back and retry them if you're struggling for points. There are a decent number of events in total, and working through them will take at least a few hours depending on how many times you have to redo them. The flatout mode is more like a standard career mode, where you'll race to earn money that you can spend on new vehicles and upgrades as you progress. With more than 100 events split up into 27 cups, it's enough to keep you going for quite some time.

On the multiplayer side, up to eight people can share a PSP and compete in both custom or preset stunt challenges. Passing the PSP among eight people can be a bit laborious, but it's good to see that multiplayer has been implemented without the need for multiple PSPs and numerous copies of the game. If you know fellow FlatOut fans, you can set up races and competitions to play over the ad hoc wireless feature of the console. Up to four people can join as long as you each own a copy of the game, and you can compete in races or destruction derbies.

Ring of Fire--not based on the Johnny Cash song.

The satisfaction of driving in FlatOut is greatly enhanced by the excellent physics engine, and the weight and handling of the cars feel spot-on. Vehicles crash and crumple in a realistic-looking manner, and as they become increasingly damaged you have to wrestle with the controls in order to keep yourself on the road. FlatOut isn't unfair in its difficulty level, but it's certainly at the higher end of the scale. The destruction derbies are particularly gruelling, and trying to complete some of the stunts will test even the strongest nerves. The structure of the carnage mode allows you some leniency by not forcing you to win or even take part in every race, but some of the challenges will definitely require some repetition. This isn't particularly due to the strength of the competitor intelligence--it's more to do with the fragility of the cars themselves. The stunt mode is also quite challenging, often requiring you to navigate your way around a number of obstacles at high speed before firing your man through the windscreen.

FlatOut is a textbook PSP game, offering a fantastic mix of racing modes that are great to play in short bursts or long sessions. Head On has very few features over FlatOut 2 for the PS2 other than the new multiplayer options and the ability to play on the go, but there's still plenty to sink your teeth into across the many different game modes. The racing is highly satisfying, the destruction derbies are a great deal of fun, and the stunt games go beyond being simple distractions to becoming one of the main reasons to play the game. If you have any sort of interest in destructive racing and you've never played a FlatOut game before, then the PSP version is definitely a good place to start.

So theres the review and what did you all think? Sounds like a cool game right. So anyways moving on to my next subject...

So yesterday I was talking to some girls I know from campmeeting named JJ and Jessica. It happened to be Jessica's birthday so they called me so I could talk for a little while and I ended up talking with them for over 1 hour. We had a nice little talk but they are very outgoing and me, well not so much but it was still cool.

That's about it for this blog. I plan on making one later on tonight but if not then probably tomorrow.