Okay so today I am pretty bored. I really don't have anything to do except hang out at home and we all know how much fun that is. My dad keeps telling me to invite a friend over but i'm not really in the mood to host a friend at my house. My dad is just naming off friends of mine who he thinks I should have over such as Clayton, Jake, and Jessica. Right now I would really like Jessica to come over but I really don't feel like asking her on such short notice.
Alright now I will talk about what I have been up to all summer long. First off let me tell you I still haven't gotten my graduation gift from my parents because I am still not very sure on what I really want. But in the end I think I am going to stick with the PS3. Other then that I have been hanging out at home almost everyday. At home I skateboard (a lot), go on the computer, and text friends. I mean really what else is there to do at home. Yeah theres tv but I don't feel like wasting the day away watching a box with pictures on it. Same with video games, I don't want to waste my day. Yeah you could say it's not wasting the day if I enjoy doing it but you know, I really don't enjoy it too much when I know I could be doing something active. Staying at home isn't all I have done this summer. I have also gone on a date with Jessica to go see the Incredible Hulk. Now that I would have to say was the best day of summer so far. I am going to see if she wants to do that again sometime or maybe go do something else. It should be fun on whatever we do next. I have also had lot's of friends come over this summer. When they come over though guess what we're doing. Yeah you guessed it, video games. Seriously all freakon day long. It's not all that fun. This summer I have also done some community service hours by working at my churches Vacation Bible School. I went everynight for five days and I helped serve the food. That was a good 20 hours I think. Other then going to the movie with Jessica I have gone to other movies. Last week I went and saw Wanted. Wow what a freakon crazy movie that was. I really liked and enjoyed it but I don't know if I would ever go see it again. Also last week I went and saw Hancock. I really didn't enjoy that movie too much because to me it seemed boring. Also this summer I went and saw Kung Fu Panda which was pretty funny.
Yeah so this summer hasn't been all that glamorious but you know I just gotta enjoy it while it lasts.