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So again lately I haven't really been on in awhile. It hasn't been too long but it's been a couple days. In those couple of days I have finished a book and started a new one. This blog will be about the book I just read and the book I am currently reading. So enjoy.

The book that I have just currently finished was Black Hawk Down by Mark Bowden. The book is 356 pages and has a great story. Here is what it is about...Destined to become a classic of war reporting, Black Hawk Down is Mark Bowden's brilliant account of the longest sustained firefight involving American troops since the Vietnam War. On October 3, 1993, about a hundred elite U.S. soldiers were dropped by helicopters into the teeming market in the heart of Modadishu, Somalia. Their mission was to abduct two top lieutenants of a Somali warlord and return to base. It was supposed to take an hour. Instead they found themselves pinned down through a long and terrible night fighting against thousands of heavily armed Somalis. The following morning, eighteen Americans were dead and more than seventy badly injured...So that was the book I just read. It was really exciting and very detailed and graphic. I would recommend reading it if you are looking for a good war book or just another great book.

So the book that I am currently reading is called "Mattimeo" by Brian Jacques. Brian Jacques happens to be my favorite writer and I also happen to own almost every book from the Redwall Series. "Mattimeo" has 432 pages and I am currently on page 165 and what I have read of the book so far has been great. Here is what the story of "Mattimeo" is about...Slagar the fox hated Redwall Abbey-its peaceable creatures, its fearless mouse warrior Matthias. He blamed Matthias for the injuries he'd suffered, but his quest for vengeance would have to be a cunning one, for he knew the power of the legendary Redwall sword...So far in the book Slagar has kidnapped Matthias's son Mattimeo and Matthias is on his way to save him. It is a great book and has a great story and author. I would also recommend this book and along with the other books from the Redwall Series.

So this isn't the longest blog I know but I couldn't really think of anything to write about and I really didn't feel like just writing another pointless blog which you would probably not even want to read. I guess this is it for another blog.