So I have been playing a ton of NHL 08 lately. I got it just a couple of weeks ago and I only have one game left in the final round of the playoffs and then I will have won the Stanley Cup! I think I am going to finish it later on tonight. I have NHL 07 for my PSP which is almost the exact same as NHL 08 (I have it for my PS2) so it wasn't that big of difference in the controls and gameplay of the game which made it a lot easier to just go ahead and start a season without having to practice first. In NHL 07 I completed a 29 game season (the shortest one you can do) 28-1-0 which in my opinion is outstanding for my first hockey game. Well I take that back, it is my second but my first one was NHL 01 which I rarely have played. So in NHL 08 I started a 29 game season and so far I am undeafeated and I only have one game left so I think I am going to be undefeated which will be awesome. In my games I don't cheat as in always scoring on just shooting but I actually set up plays and play realistically. One time I just kept shooting because I was bored and I won 17-0! To me that is just insane and unheard of. Oh by the way I am the San Jose Sharks, the best team of all time. But tomorrow I am leaving for New York and Boston and I had 8 more games I had to win to win the Stanley Cup so I played 7 games in a row today! That felt like it took forever so now I only have one game left.
Since I am leaving for New York and Boston tomorrow I needed to purchase some new things for the trip. First off I needed new headphones for my Ipod because the white ones that come with the Ipod at purchase broke. One of the ear pieces kept coming out and then all of a sudden the speaker stopped working and it wasn't from me blasting it out. So I got some pretty nice Phillips over the ear headphones for $34.95 which seemed like a good deal. Then I also need a camera because I don't have one of my own and I need to take pictures on the trip for some of the homework we are going to have there so I bought a nice black Casio digital. I am really impressed with it so far. It is Youtube compatable and it takes really nice clear pictures. Also for my brand new camera I bought a nice case and 3 memory sticks which can each hold 300 pictures. So after that purchase I heard that it was going to rain a lot of the days that we will be there so I have to bring at least two pairs of shoes. I only have one. So I order some Vans off of Zappos on Thursday night and they came on Friday. I am very impressed with the service. Then I found out that we could bring electronics on the trip so I decided to bring my PSP Slim but the case that I have for it now is for the original so it bounces around a lot inside and I was worried about it getting damaged so I bought a nice new case for $14.95. Seemed like a reasonably good deal. And then I finally realized that I didn't have a charger for my Ipod so I also purchased a new one. I didn't realize how much I had to buy just for a trip that would last for one week.
So that's pretty much it for now. I won't be making anymore blogs until after I return from my trip which will be on April 20th so don't be expecting anymore long blogs soon.