Thudmar / Member

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Well most of my time right now is going towards school. It has been very busy this last week in school. I had/have 7 tests. I also had a report due. So lately in school I have been very busy. Other then school I have been working a lot lately at my house. I now earn money by how many hours I work. For each hour I work I get $4 which is half of minimum wage. I like this because I could make more in a week then just a flat rate. So everyday after school I have been working in my backyard for 1 hour each day. Also I have a girlfriend which I like. The reason I say this is this also takes time (talking a lot).

In video games right now I am busy playing Madden 08 for my PSP and NBA Live 06 for my PSP. In Madden 08 I am the Rams in a season and so far I am 12-0 and for basketball I am the Cavaliers and I am 10-0. Other then that the only video games I have been playing is Guitar Hero III for my PS2 but I have only been playing quickplay. Other then that video gaming for me has been slow. Hopefully i'll be able to get a new game soon.