In my opinion i am very satisfied with my PSP. i cant tell you how much i enjoy it and how impressed i am. the slick design of the PSP draws your eye towards it. the huge screen is magnificant with its brilliant size and the brightness it produces. the design of where the buttons and analogs stick is good. ive heard that many people dislike this part of the PSP but to me its fine. the only thing i would change about the PSP is where you put your games. im not saying its a bad place for it, im saying its very fragile. you have to barely open it to keep it from snapping off and its a little wimpy. if i were the makers of the PSP i would have done a little better job of making it tougher or designing it a little different so that so many people would not have a problem with breaking it. beside this the whole design and look of the PSP is fantastic.
the games for the PSP are great. most games dont have the best of graphics if they need a lot of memory but for the most part most of them are pretty good. out of the games i own (daxter, star wars battlefront renegade squadron, atv off road fury blazin trails, final fantasy anniversary edition, madden 08, nba live 06, tony hawk underground 2 remix, need for speed carbon own the city, coded arms contagion, and mx vs atv untamed) i am very impressed with all of them. i will go over all the games with you below...
Daxter-very good game in my opinion. the graphics are amazing, the story is good, the gameplay is awesome, and the whole design of the game is great. the two things that stand out most though is the gameplay and graphics. for a game to be on such a small system the graphics are breath taking. it looks like it should be on a tv. the color is great and the design of everything in the game is great. the gameplay is also amazing. the adventures that daxter goes through are fun. theres always something to be doing and its different everytime. overall i give this game a 10/10.
Star Wars Battlefront:Renegade Squadron-this is a great shooter game for the psp. i am a fan of star wars and i am very impressed with this game. it has great features such as the customization of your character and guns. this adds a lot to the game in my opinion. the story is not the best and the graphics dont stand out to much but the gameplay is very fun. i would give this game an 8/10.
ATV Off Road Fury-well i cant really say to much about this game considering i havent played it yet. i ordered it off amazon and it still hasnt arrived yet. i will tell you how it is in another blog.
Final Fantasy Anniversary Edition-This game overall is good but not anything really special. The design of the game is old fashion so its not anything new. the story is great like all final fantasy games but other then that its just another game. ill give it a 6/10.
Madden 08-Wow!!! i absolutely love this game. the game doesnt have good graphics but it makes up for it in gameplay. its a good game with updated statistics of each player and team. while in a game it feels so real. the tackling is fanamonal, the voice announcers are good with unpredictable lines, the fast pace of the game is great, and just everything about it. i think its the best madden so far. 10/10.
NBA Live 06-Again another wow!!! this game has great features, updated statistics (of 06), not to shabby graphics, and great gameplay. the design of the game is good with the layouts and music. the extra features such as the 3 point challenge and slam dunk competition add a lot to this game, and the gameplay while in the game is great with the fast pace of each drive. great game...10/10.
Tony Hawk Underground 2 Remix-Once again another wow!!! the gameplay in this game is breath taking, the graphics are great, the design is amazing, and the story isnt to bad. while skating it feels like your actually doing it and the places to skate are great with tons of combo areas. tony hawk does it again...10/10.
Need For Speed Carbon: Own the City-great game in my opinion. the graphics are good, the car list is pretty good, the races are good but a little easy, and the area where you drive is pretty good. the game has a long story which is good and it keeps you playing because you want to find out what happens next. the races arent that great though. they are a little to easy in my opinion. overall though the game is pretty good...8/10.
Coded Arms Contagion-not the best game out there. the design is cool and all but its all flash. the controls are so aquard that its just plain hard and frustrating. the graphics are good but a little unrealistic. not the best game out for the psp. 5/10.
MX vs ATV Untamed-i am a fan of this series but i felt a little dissapointed with this game. the graphics are good and the design but its a little empty. the events can be extremely hard at times which makes it frustrating and then there are those that are just plain to easy. overall its not the best...7/10.
well this is what i think of the PSP and the games that i have played. if i were to rate the psp overall i would give it 100/10!!!