Well this week pretty much just started and it is already extremely busy. I really dont feel like gettin through this week. i just want to hang out at home and relax but no instead i have 7 tests, an english report, and basketball practice on friday and sunday (the 2 worst days to have it on). it sucks.
for the 7 tests i have an algebra test tomorrow, social studies test tomorrow, english test thursday, science test thursday, spelling test friday, vocab test on friday, and a bible test friday. its really gonna suck studying for all of them. i kinda know algebra but not really but i dont know how to really study for it. now for social studies i hardly know anything. in class i can hardly ever pay attention because its so boring. i have to sit through a 30 long slide of the new chapter and then have questions on it. i fall asleep pretty much everytime. now for english i kinda sorta know it but i could know more. now for science i know absolutely nothing!!! its on the elements and i need to know from 19 to 36 with the atomic number, abreviations, the name, and atomic weight. it really sucks. i havent even started studying yet. spelling and vocab is usually simple and so is bible. so for the next few days its gonna feel like hell.