So yesterday in my blog I talked about how I wanted a PS3 and I never really mentioned why I wanted it over a Xbox 360 so I decided to tell you in this blog.
The PlayStation 3 is the latest console system manufactured by Sony Computer Entertainment. The PlayStation 3 is the successor to Sony's PlayStation 2 system, the runaway winner of the previous console generation competition among the GameCube, Xbox, and the PlayStation 2. Sony launched the PlayStation 3 in November 2006 in Japan and North America. Nintendo shipped its Wii system at about the same time, but Microsoft was able to get the Xbox 360 to retail at the end of 2005, a full year ahead of Sony and Nintendo.
The newest game consoles all have upgraded hardware, expanded multimedia support, and online services. Sony has outfitted its newest PlayStation with a multicore IBM Cell processor,an Nvidia RSX graphics chip, and a Blu-ray drive. The system can play DVDs, Blu-ray movies, and music CDs in addition to PlayStation 3 video games. You can also use the console to play video and music files, as well as view images stored on the system hard disk or from a connected flash memory or USB device. Sony recently released a console firmware upgrade that lets the system stream content from DLNA-enabled PCs over the local network.
Sony may have to share Grand Theft Auto and Devil May Cry with Microsoft this time around, but the PlayStation 3 will still have a good number of first-party exclusives developed by SCE game studios. Expect to see plenty of God of War, Gran Turismo, and Hot Shots Golf during the console's lifetime. Sony still has several major third-party exclusives, most notably Metal Gear Solid 4 from Konami and Final Fantasy XIII from Square Enix. Popular PlayStation 3 games currently include Ratchet & Clank Future, Warhawk, Resistance: Fall of Man, and MotorStorm.
-40GB internal hard drive provides plenty of storage space for game saves, media and more
-Cell Broadband Engine state-of-the-art microprocessor is more powerful and efficient than standard single-core processors, delivering breakthroughs in fidelity and believability
-Blu-ray media stores up to five times more data than DVDs, providing a larger canvas for unbelievable graphics and unprecedented interaction; Blu-ray drive also plays Blu-ray movies for a high-definition experience with your favorite films
-Multi-axis motion sensing system immerses you in a realistic gaming experience by making the wireless controller an extension of your body, all in real time with high precision
-Bluetooth technology allows you to connect your console to the Internet wirelessly
Xbox 360
The Xbox 360 is a video game and entertainment console system manufactured by Microsoft. It can play Xbox 360 video games, DVD movies, audio CDs, and video and game content downloaded from the Xbox Live online service. Console owners can view photos and listen to music using the system's built-in photo viewer and music player software. Hard-drive equipped Xbox 360 systems are also backward compatible with a large number of games made for Microsoft's original Xbox system. The Xbox 360 first shipped in North America and Japan at the end of 2005.
The Xbox 360 System
Although the Xbox 360 competes against both the PlayStation 3 and the Wii in the current console generation, many consider the PS3 to be the Xbox 360's primary competitor because the systems share similar hardware capabilities and use a traditional gamepad controller interface. The Wii, on the other hand, has less powerful hardware, but has a novel motion-sensing "Wiimote" control. As a result of the control and graphics-power differences, many multiplatform games look and perform similarly on the Xbox 360 and the PS3, but are far different on the Wii.
Microsoft was able to take an early lead by releasing the Xbox 360 a year before the PlayStation 3. This lead made it easier to court third-party developers to create games for the 360. Microsoft hasn't been shy about acquiring developers, either. Microsoft has added heavyweights such as Bungie, Rare, and Lionhead Studios to the Microsoft Game Studios roster to ensure a steady stream of high-quality, first-party games. (Bungie has recently become an independent studio once again, but still plans on developing games for Microsoft platforms.)
The Xbox 360 has a well-rounded game library with plenty of games in all the major game genres, but the system's strongest genres are currently sports and shooters. The shooter genre on the Xbox 360 features hits like Gears of War, BioShock, and Halo 3 and several strong military franchises including Call of Duty and Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter. Gamers can also play third-person action games such as Splinter Cell Double Agent, Dead Rising, and Hitman: Blood Money while they wait for the latest Grand Theft Auto sequel. Console owners can look forward to yearly updates for the most popular sports franchises including Madden, NBA 2K, FIFA, NCAA Football, NHL, and Tiger Woods.
-Powerful hardware features 512MB unified memory, custom symmetrical tripe-core CPU and custom 500MHz ATI graphics processor
-Every Xbox 360 title supports 720p and 1080i high definition resolution or 480p standard definition resolution
-Exclusive games (not included) shatter expectations with advanced customization features, HD graphics, full surround sound and online-enabled gameplay
-Vibrant characters display depth of emotion to evoke more dramatic responses, immersing you in the experience
-Rip music to the Xbox 360 hard drive and share your latest digital pictures with friends
-View progressive-scan DVD movies
-Support for up to four wireless game controllers