There's a green hornet marathon on SYFY and i just can't stop watching it, it's like the old batman with adam west but i find it to be alot better... plus bruce lee is kaydo
Thunda_Monkey's forum posts
May save lives, i agree with it
Whose life is in danger when a crosshair is drawn on a map?
I never said anything about that map, but wasn't someone's on that map shot? hmmmmIt amuses me to the extent that people defend there own political parties, even when what they do or say is wrong.
So no outrage over the quote I posted? Bipartisan for the win?
But on another note, maybe the shooter was inspired by the political quote of Punish your enemies
I'm always down for some Bipartisan efforts, the lame duck session made me proud. But to answer your question yeah it's possible that that punish your enemies quote could have done it but then again Congress woman Gabby Giffords isn't an enemy, atleast not to obama, maybe to sarah palin though because she's putting hits out on people... (don't take what i just said serious about the palin/hits thing but you know what I mean)No, but this nutjob killer could have easily interpreted the most popular politician in America today (Obama) that 'enemies should be punished', and HE could have saw her as an enemy.
My point is, we don't know this person's motives yet, and to tie them to any political side at this point is just a knee jerk reaction or one side using it to move their agenda.
According to reports, his websites quotes the communist manfesto. Which politcal side would that be? (I don't think either)
Also, the Washington Post and CCN use the term regarding putting republicans in the 'crosshairs' quite a few times. Look at the post by Peaceful_Anger earlier in this thread. He has quite a few links.
I totally agree with you about not assuming the guys motives but c'mon the guy claims that he supports the tea party on his facebook. Giffords beats a tea party canidate in a tight race. sarah palin has a list of 20 congressional members with crosshairs over there names. then it so happens that outta of 300 million people in this country 1 person that happen to be on that list gets shot? Sarah palin supports the tea party also. I know I sound crazy but damn this all adds up IMO.[QUOTE="LJS9502_basic"][QUOTE="Theokhoth"] I trust them with my social security number, so yeah.TheokhothConsidering it's a government identification number that doesn't say much. It's a government identification with which my entire existence is verified. I'd say it's slightly more sensitive information than an online password. Got'em
[QUOTE="Thunda_Monkey"][QUOTE="LJS9502_basic"]Seems like it would be easier for the government to collect data on individuals. Trusted identities from the government? Do we really trust the government with that info?LJS9502_basicWhat the hell is the government going to do with such info?Don't think the government doesn't keep tabs where they can.... what does that even mean? lol you sound like Dale off of King Of The Hill
[QUOTE="ice144"]Did you read the article? "We are not talking about a national ID card," Locke said at the Stanford event. "We are not talking about a government-controlled system. What we are talking about is enhancing online security and privacy and reducing and perhaps even eliminating the need to memorize a dozen passwords, through creation and use of more trusted digital identities." Doesn't seem that bad to me, but whatever.LJS9502_basicSeems like it would be easier for the government to collect data on individuals. Trusted identities from the government? Do we really trust the government with that info? What the hell is the government going to do with such info?
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